Take control of your data allocation by using the Account Mapping section found in a Wrap Feed.
Account Mapping allows users to map the Chart of Accounts to a Wrap and clearly indicate what Bank and Investment account(s) they would like to use when importing transactions and balances for each Wrap Feed.
Correctly mapping the Account Mapping section of a Wrap Feed is a crucial step to allow the seamless automation of data allocation in your Entity.
Please review the Summary of Providers to indicate what steps are required to achieve seamless automation for your Provider.
Find below all providers and their associated tabs. Follow all steps highlighted in the provider's corresponding tab to correctly map the Chart of Accounts to a Wrap Feed. All tabs are located above.
Feed | Steps required to map the Chart of Accounts to a Wrap Feed |
Asgard (Adviser NET) |
Australian Money Market (AMM) |
BGL Excel (XML) Import |
BT Panorama |
BT Wrap |
CFS FirstChoice |
CFS Wrap |
CGF Accolade |
Commsec Retail |
Crestone Wealth Management |
DNR Capital |
DomaCom |
Evans and Partners |
Hub24 |
Macquarie Wrap |
Mason Stevens Including Global Investment Service (GIS) |
Morgans Wealth+ |
Netwealth |
Ord Minnett |
Politis Investment Strategies |
Praemium |
Private Portfolio Managers (PPM) |
Syla |
WealthO2 |
XPlan |
Xplore Wrap |
Xplore Wealth (IAS) |
Link Holding Accounts allows users to link certain Bank/Investment accounts in the Chart of Accounts to a particular Wrap Feed.
Linking Holding Accounts to specific feeds ensures all transactions/balances are allocated to the desired Bank/Investment accounts. These accounts will not be used by other feeds unless specified.
This step is particularly important for entities that have more than one active Wrap Feed, as this will allow the software to differentiate between Bank/Investments held across different platforms.
Any newly purchased assets will create a new account in SF 360/SI 360 under the Security Code's default control account.
Steps to Link Holding Accounts:
1. After selecting the Wrap Provider and entering in the Account ID, ensure the ‘Link Holding Accounts to Feed’ toggle is turned ‘ON’ and then navigate down to Account Mapping ->‘Holding Accounts’.
2. Locate the desired Bank/Investment account(s) and click on the checkbox displayed in the ‘Linked’ column of the corresponding account.
3. After all required account(s) have been linked to the Feed, click ‘Save’.
When data is imported into SF 360/SI 360, the system will attempt to identify any account(s) that have been linked to the feed. If no accounts are able to be identified, a new account will be automatically created.
NOTE: Once the checkbox has been checked, a record of the Provider and Account Id will be displayed in the ‘Linked Details’ column. The ‘Linked Details’ will display all feeds the account is currently linked to.
Q: Can the ‘Link Holding Accounts to Feed’ toggle be turned ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’?
A: Users can turn the feature ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’. By default, for every new Wrap Feed, the feature will be turned ‘ON’. We recommend all users utilise this feature when establishing new feeds.
If this feature is turned ‘ON’ and no Holding Accounts have been linked, a warning message will be displayed indicating no accounts have been selected.
Q: I have turned OFF the ‘Link Holding Accounts’ toggle and my feed does not have any Security Code or Portfolio Code columns. How will SF 360/SI 360 identify Investment Accounts?
A: Accounts with units on hand will always be prioritised over Investment accounts without units. If multiple Investments have units, the software will prioritise Investments accounts under the matching Control Account based on the Security Code.
Q: How do I remove the account linkage from a Wrap Feed?
A: Simply uncheck the checkbox or click on the icon. The record can be removed from any Wrap Feeds, regardless if the record is linked to the Wrap Feed or not.
Many platforms provide multiple Bank Accounts, Term Deposits or non-unitised Investments within their data feeds.
These accounts can be mapped using the Security Code field in the Wrap Setup -> Holding Accounts tab.
NOTE: Unitised accounts do not require Security Codes to be entered and can easily be linked to the Wrap Feed. Please review step 2.ii.
Steps to map the Security Code to non-unitised accounts and Link unitised accounts:
1. After selecting the Wrap Provider and entering in the Account ID, ensure the ‘Link Holding Accounts to Feed’ toggle is turned ‘ON’ and then navigate down to Account Mapping ->‘Holding Accounts’.
2. Locate and map the desired accounts:
i. Map non-unitised accounts: Locate the desired Bank Account(s), Term Deposit(s) or non-unitised Investment(s) then enter the Security Code of the asset in the corresponding ‘Security Code’ field, and click on the checkbox displayed in the ‘Linked’ column.
ii. Map unitised accounts: Locate the desired unitised account(s) and click on the checkbox displayed in the ‘Linked’ column of the corresponding account(s).
3. Once all Security Codes have been mapped to the desired account(s), and all account(s) have been 'Linked' click ‘Save’.
When the Wrap Feed imports non-unitised data into the Entity, SF 360/SI 360 will look for any non-unitised account(s) mapped with the required Security Code(s), and if found, import data into these accounts. If no accounts have been identified, SF 360/SI 360 will attempt to allocate the Security Code to the attached Bank Account. If the attached Bank Account already has a Security Code mapped, a new account will be automatically created.
When unitised data is imported into the Entity, the system will first look for any account(s) that have been linked to the feed. If SF 360/SI 360 is unable to identify any linked account(s), a new account will be automatically created.
NOTE: Once the checkbox has been checked, a record of the Provider and Account Id will be displayed in the ‘Linked Details’ column. The ‘Linked Details’ will display all feeds the account is currently linked to.
Q: Can the ‘Link Holding Accounts to Feed’ toggle be turned ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’?
A: Users can turn the feature ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’. By default, for every new Wrap Feed, the feature will be turned ‘ON’. We recommend all users utilise this feature when establishing new feeds.
If this feature is turned ‘ON’ and no Holding Accounts have been linked, a warning message will be displayed indicating no accounts have been selected.
Q: What is a Security Code?
A: For unitised investments, the security code is simply the underlying code (e.g. BHP.AX, WHT3859AU). For non-unitised investments (e.g. Banks/Term Deposits), the security code is the code that the feed provider uses to identify that particular cash/non-unitised asset.
Q: I have the ‘Link Holding Accounts to Feed’ toggle 'ON' and have only entered in the Security Code without linking any accounts, what will happen?
A: The system will still automatically allocate all data to the account with the Security Code entered, upon importing the data the account will be automatically linked to the Wrap Feed.
Q: I have only ‘Linked’ the account, and have not entered in the Security Code. What will happen?
A: If the attached Bank Account has been ‘Linked’ and no Security Code is entered, the system will automatically import data into the attached Bank Account and attach the Security Code, otherwise if any other non-unitised account has just been ticked without the Security Code a new account will be created.
Q: What default Control Account will new accounts be created under?
A: All new accounts in SF 360/SI 360 will be created under the provided Security Code's default control account.
Many platforms provide SMAs/Managed Portfolios within their feed. Any existing banks/investments within these portfolios need to be mapped using the Portfolio Code field in the Wrap Setup -> Holding Accounts tab. This is a crucial step to ensure duplicated accounts are not automatically created.
Bank and Investment Accounts can be mapped to the desired accounts by allocating the Portfolio Code and the Security Code in the Mapping Account section.
- Security Codes are only required to be entered in for Bank Accounts, Term Deposits or non-unitised Investments.
- Not all feeds will have managed portfolios. If investments are held directly on the platform (e.g. no SMA etc), please enter DIRECT as the Portfolio Code.
Steps to map the Portfolio Code to Individual Accounts:
1. After selecting the Wrap Provider and entering in the Account ID, ensure the ‘Link Holding Accounts to Feed’ is turned ‘ON’ and then navigate down to Account Mapping ->‘Holding Accounts’.
2. Locate the desired account, and complete the mapping in each corresponding field:
i. Map non-unitised Accounts: Locate the desired Bank Account(s), Term Deposit(s) or non-unitised Investment(s) then enter the Security Code of the asset in the corresponding ‘Security Code’ field and enter the Portfolio Code in the corresponding ‘Portfolio Code’ field.
ii. Map unitised Account Locate the desired unitised account(s) and enter the Portfolio Code in the corresponding ‘Portfolio Code’ field.
3. Find and click on the checkbox in the ‘Linked’ column of the corresponding account(s) identified in Step 2.
4. Once all account(s) have been mapped to their corresponding Portfolio Codes and Security Codes, click ‘Save’.
When data is imported into the Entity, SF 360/SI 360 will attempt to identify any accounts that have been mapped with the required Portfolio Codes and Security Code(s), if found, data will be automatically allocated to these accounts. If the system is unable to identify any mapping within the Wrap Feed, a new account will automatically be created with the Portfolio Code and Security Code attached.
Q: Can the ‘Link Holding Accounts to Feed’ toggle be turned ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’?
A: Users can turn the feature ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’. By default, for every new Wrap Feed, the feature will be turned ‘ON’. We recommend all users utilise this feature when establishing new feeds.
If this feature is turned ‘ON’ and no Holding Accounts have been linked, a warning message will be displayed indicating no accounts have been selected.
Q: I have the ‘Link Holding Accounts to Feed’ toggle 'ON' and have only entered in the Portfolio Code and the Security Code without linking any accounts, what will happen?
A: The system will still automatically allocate all data to the account with Portfolio Code and the Security Code entered, upon importing the data the account will be automatically linked to the Wrap Feed.
Q: I have only ‘Linked’ the account, and have not entered in the Portfolio Code and Security Code. What will happen?
A: If the system is unable to identify any accounts with the required Portfolio Code and Security Code the system will automatically create a new account
Q: I have multiple Investment Accounts linked with the same Portfolio Code in Simple Fund 360. What is prioritised?
A: Accounts with units on hand will always be prioritised over Investment accounts without units. If multiple Investments have units, the system will prioritise Investments accounts under the matching Control Account based on the Security Code.
Q: Transactions have not been imported into the correct accounts but created new accounts?
A: The user will be required to re-map the Account Mapping section for the Wrap Feed. They will be required to remove the Portfolio Codes under the incorrect account(s) and move them across to the correct ones. Once all account(s) have been remapped. Simply delete all the transactions received from the feed and process a re-request. Please review this help article.
NOTE: Bank and Investment Balances will be automatically moved to the new account(s) after the mapping is completed.
Q: I am unable to locate the Portfolio Code?
A: Please review your Annual Statement to identify any portfolios (SMAs) held within your Wrap, or contact BGL Support to identify any Portfolio Codes.
Q: What default Control Account will new accounts be created under?
A: All new accounts in SF 360/SI 360 will be created under the provided Security Code's default control account.
We have introduced a way to allow all investments from a particular portfolio to be allocated to a specific control range in Simple Fund/ Simple Invest 360.
Investments held in portfolios (SMAs) within the Wrap Feeds can now be grouped into specific Control Accounts, allowing seamless automation when importing data.
The Control Account can be mapped to the portfolio (SMA) by mapping the Portfolio Code to the desired Control Account found under the ‘Control Accounts’ tab in the Account Mapping section of a Wrap Feed.
NOTE: We always recommend users map Portfolio Codes to individual Holding Accounts instead of Control Accounts. Please navigate to the Portfolio Code Mapping tab to learn more about mapping individual Holding Accounts.
Steps to map the Portfolio Code to a Control Accounts:
1. Enter the required Wrap Feed and navigate down to Account Mapping ->Control Accounts’
2. Locate the Control Account and enter the Portfolio Code in the corresponding Portfolio Code field.
3. After all the Portfolio Code(s) have been entered in the required Control Account(s), click ‘Save’.
When the Wrap Feed provides any Investment data the system will look for any Investment account(s) under the Control account with the required Security Code(s), and if found import data into these accounts. If the system is unable to find an Investment account under the Control Account the system will automatically create a new account under the Control Account, and automatically attach the Portfolio Code.
Q: What type of Control Accounts are displayed in the ‘Control Accounts’ tab?
A: Only Investment accounts that fall under the 70000 account code range
Q: I have mapped the Portfolio Code in the ‘Holding Accounts’ section for an Individual Investment and in the ‘Control Accounts’ section, however, the individual investment mapped in the ‘Holding Accounts’ section is in a different Control Account. Where will the data be allocated?
A: When data is imported into Simple Fund 360 the system will always prioritise the mapping for the individual investments in the ‘Holding Accounts’ section.
Q: I have multiple Investment accounts linked with the same Portfolio Code in Simple Fund 360. What is prioritised?
A: Accounts with Units on hand will always be prioritised over Investment accounts without units. If multiple Investments have Units, the system will prioritise Investments accounts under the matching Control Account based on the Security Code.
Q: Why is the ‘Control Accounts’ tab disabled?
A: The ‘Control Accounts’ tab is only enabled for Feeds that use the Portfolio Code logic, if the tab is disabled that means the feed does not support Portfolio Code logic.
Q: How to remove Portfolio Code(s) from Control Accounts?
A: Locate the Portfolio Code in the ‘Control Accounts’ section and click on the icon, please ensure to also remove all Portfolio Codes linked to individual investment accounts under the Control Account in the ‘Holding Accounts’ section.
Q: What is a Security Code?
A: For unitised investments, the security code is simply the underlying code (e.g. BHP.AX, WHT3859AU). For non-unitised investments (e.g. Banks/Term Deposits), the security code is the code that the feed provider uses to identify that particular cash/non-unitised asset.