Feed Type |
Cash Movements (Bank Transactions |
Investment Movements (Buys & Sells) | Income Movements (Dividends & Distributions) | Historical Data |
Automated |
Macquarie Wrap is an investment platform designed to manage a range of different asset types. Macquarie Wrap clients can now have data uploaded into Simple Fund 360 using a direct feed.
Simple Fund 360 clients using a Macquarie Bank Feed to import banking transactions please note the following:
- If the Macquarie Wrap feed contains the cash account information, this account will not need to be setup as a separate feed in the Bank Feed Management screen as the information will be uploaded via the wrap (however the bank account will need to be added to the Chart of Accounts);
- If a bank feed has already been setup for the Macquarie cash account in Simple Fund 360 and the Wrap feed contains the cash transactions, the original bank feed can be stopped. To stop the feed, in the Bank Feed Management Screen edit the Macquarie account and change the Feed Provider from "Macquarie Adviser" to "None - Manually Input or Import".
When setting up the Wrap feed for Simple Fund 360, if transactions have been loaded for a period during the financial year from the Macquarie Cash Account you can input a date in the "Do Not Import Before" field when setting up the feed.
Please note that Macquarie ESI credentials can be generated via two portals as outlined below.
- ESI Credentials generated from the Macquarie Adviser Online Portal will apply to both the bank and wrap accounts that the adviser has access to.
- ESI Credentials generated from the Macquarie Wrap Portal will only apply to the wrap accounts that the adviser had access to.
Please ensure that the Macquarie Wrap accounts are linked to your Macquarie Advisor account before proceeding. Click here to download the authority form to distribute to your clients to be able to use the Wrap service.
Users need to log into the Macquarie Wrap website.
If you have already obtained esi details for the Wrap account (as you may use them in another software) do not re-request these details. Proceed to the next tab to input them in Simple Fund 360.
From the Macquarie Wrap website main page, select Reporting and then select Client & Adviser from the dropdown.
- Select esi authentication details.
- An Authentication Code and Authentication Password need to be generated by clicking on the ‘request new esi authentication details’ hyperlink. Advisers will then be prompted to enter their Macquarie Access Code and password.
- To generate authentication details click Authorise.
The authentication details will now need to be entered into Simple Fund 360.
The Authentication details generated from the Macquarie website expire on a yearly basis. Therefore, every year, these details need to be regenerated from the Macquarie website and re-entered into Simple Fund 360.
- From the Feed Management screen, select Advanced Options & Reports.
- From the drop-down menu, select Provider Settings
- Select Add New from the Provider Settings screen.
- Once the Macquarie esi Code and Password has been obtained by the Adviser (in the prior section), the details will need to be input in the Adviser Management screen in Simple Fund 360. This step is completed once for your firm (unless you have two sets of credentials, then add both in).
From the Main Toolbar, go to Connect. | |
Select Feed Management from the list. |
Select the Wraps and Platforms Global tab. |
1. From the Wrap and Platform Global tab, select (+) Setup.
2. The Setup Wrap and Platform Feed screen will appear. The fund name will appear.
3. Select Macquarie Wrap as the Feed Provider.
4. Input the External Reference/Account ID
The External Account ID can be found on the wrap statement or on Macquarie's website. It is a unique account number that is attached to one fund only, financial planners/advisors should be able to provide this number.
5. Select the Bank Account for the fund the authority is being granted for.
If you do not set this up, the feed will automatically create new accounts and you might end up with duplicate accounts.
6. Select Save.
The following data is imported through the direct feed:
- Investment movements (purchases and disposals)
- Income transactions (dividends, distributions and bank interest)
- Bank transactions
- Bank and Investment balances
- Foreign Transactions
How will transactions be coded?
All cash and investment transactions will be allocated to the correct account in Simple Fund 360. For purchases of new investments not previously held by the fund, new accounts will be created and transactions will be automatically allocated.
Which transactions will be matched?
Investment transactions (purchases and disposals) will be automatically matched to their corresponding Cash transactions by Simple Fund 360. Dividends and distributions will be matched to account 23900 and 23800 respectively during upload using the ASX codes. Interest income will also be automatically coded to the linked 25000 interest account.
Can historical transactions prior to the feed activation be uploaded?
Yes. Historical transactions are requested upon feed activation for Simple Fund 360. Perform a transaction re-request to obtain historical data.
Simple Fund 360 automatically updates wrap feed distribution transactions with their respective final tax components when the annual statement is made available.
For more information, please refer to Distribution transactions and tax components