Feed Type |
Cash Movements (Bank Transactions |
Investment Movements (Buys & Sells) | Income Movements (Dividends & Distributions) | Historical Data |
Automated |
The Auto EPI download facility allows you to automatically download your clients’ account data (transactions, account balances, income and expenses) to Simple Fund 360, streamlining your SMSF administration.
Data downloads are scheduled to run overnight every night. The initial data file will include all historical data for the selected client accounts. Subsequent data files will only include transactions processed since the last data file was sent.
Simple Fund 360 will also automatically update wrap feed distribution transactions with their respective final tax components when the annual statement is made available.
For more information, please refer to Distribution transactions and tax components.
The Auto EPI download facility is available once your dealer has completed the Application for auto downloads and accepted the Confidentiality and Conditions of Service Agreement for the third party software providers. The application can only be made at dealer level access.
Please note the Dealer will generally be the Financial Adviser.
- From Tools > Data downloads select Application for EPI auto downloads.
- Nominate BGL by checking the relevant tick box(es).
- Select the ‘I accept’ option.
- Select Submit.
Accessing the Auto EPI download facility
Before you begin:
- Ensure your dealer has completed the Application for Auto Downloads for the third-party software providers (see above);
- Register each adviser who wants to receive the data feeds with BGL.
Setting up your Auto EPI download files
Once your dealer has completed the Application for Auto Downloads, auto data download files can be setup at dealer, office or adviser access levels. To ensure no duplication of data is sent to a third party provider, a warning will be displayed if there is an existing auto data download request.
- From Tools > Data Downloads select EPI downloads.
- Select Add.
- Input a download name (maximum of 50 characters).
- Select the download type ‘Third party’ (Auto download) and then select BGL.
- Choose the data you want to include in the download. All the following are pre-selected by default:
- All products (listed individually). Transaction types are already pre-selected based on the
- Third party’s requirements
- ‘Include new products’
- All offices (listed individually)
- All advisers (listed individually). To expand the list of advisers under each office code, select the ‘+’ icon. Each adviser must be a registered user of the third party software and using the same third party software installation. Client data sent for unregistered advisers will be rejected and lost.
- ‘Include new offices’
- Nominate to ‘Include insurance products’. This is unselected by default and BGL does not currently import this data.
- If you don’t want to include any of the selected options, untick the applicable boxes.
- Select Save. The Auto download screen will display your new download request.
Once you have completed the setup requirements, the auto download data files will be sent to Simple Fund 360 each night. To arrange an entire data refresh for one or more advisers, remove the existing data download and add a new EPI data download.
1. From the Wrap and Platform Global tab, select (+) Setup.
2. The Setup Wrap and Platform Feed screen will appear. The fund name will appear in the Fund field.
3. Select AdviserNET - Asgard as the Feed Provider
4. Input the External Reference/Account ID. The External Reference/Account ID is the Asgard Account Number.
Note: if data has been entered manually for this feed prior to its activation, input a Do not import data before date in the relevant field to the last date of manual data entry.
5. Select the Bank Account for the fund the authority is being granted for (authority will need to be granted for each bank account).
8. Select Save.
Once the feed has been saved, the feed will appear with the status Awaiting Transactions, with the toggle set to On. Do not switch this off.
SF360 will automatically load transactions from the date of activation. Activation can take up to four business days for data to be uploaded into Simple Fund 360.
When the feed begins operating, the Status will update to Feed Operating.
Historical data can be obtained from the Asgard feed. The re-request function can be used to import data that occurred prior to the feed setup.
- From within the Wraps and Platforms Global tab, select the fund(s) to complete the re-request for.
- Select the Re-request transactions button that has appeared at the top of the screen.
- From the Re-Request Transactions screen, input the dates Do Not Load Before (earliest import date) and Do Not Load After (last import date). Transactions within this date range will be requested and imported from Asgard AdviserNET.
- Select Re-request.