For detailed instructions on using the template refer to BGL Excel (XML) Import.
To split an underlying asset into individual parcels, you will need to record two journals:
- A disposal of the Managed Investment at cost to record the splitting off of the underlying investment;
- An acquisition of the underlying investments at cost recording their respective units.
- Clear the example data by clicking Clear ALL Transaction Data.
Note: Clicking Clear ALL Transaction Data will remove all data entered into the tab, including anything entered manually. This cannot be undone.
- The transaction type for each line item is Investment Transaction. This will use 94910 - Investment clearing as the clearing account which will net off to $0 on upload.
- The first line item recorded is the disposal of the 1 unit Wrap at cost. Input a negative in the amount column and record the Security Type, Investment Code and 1 unit as the Quantity disposed.
The second line and any additional lines are the purchase parcel history of the split investments. Input an amount, Security Type, Security Code and Quantity of each parcel.
Note: 1 July selected as split date as prior year is closed off and not to be be adjusted. Your circumstances may differ.
- Ensure the Contract Date is recorded for each parcel separated. Select Create Transaction File when complete. Refer to BGL Excel (XML) Import for upload instructions.