Feed Type |
Cash Movements (Bank Transactions |
Investment Movements (Buys & Sells) | Income Movements (Dividends & Distributions) | Historical Data |
Automated |
Praemium data can be imported into Simple Fund 360 as a daily feed. The following information is imported through the data feed:
- Investment movements (purchases and disposals)
- Income transactions (dividends, distributions and bank interest)
- Bank transactions
- Foreign transactions and balances
- From the Praemium home page, select Secure Login.
- Input your Praemium login details.
- Select Reporting & Administration.
- In Praemium's Platform & Reporting application, select Data Exchange > Integration Centre.
Click here for a link to Praemium's help page in regards to exporting data to BGL
- Select Add New in the Export Setup screen to add a new job.
Select Daily as the Frequency and BGL Simple Fund 360 from the Export to dropdown list.
Field | Explanation | ||||||
Export ID | The system generates a new ID when you save the export job. This field can be left blank. | ||||||
Export Name | Type a name for the export job you are creating. | ||||||
Frequency |
Select the frequency with which you want the report to run/data to load into Simple Fund 360.
Due At | Date from which data export will commence. | ||||||
Time | Time from which data export will commence. | ||||||
Export To | Select BGL360. | ||||||
Data to Export |
Select the type of data to load into Simple Fund 360, by ensuring to select the check boxes under the field titled "Data to Send".
- Select the Portfolios to include in the data feed. More than one can be selected.
- Select Create.
- Select Export for the job to run. Data is uploaded into Simple Fund 360 within one business day.
From the Main Toolbar, go to Connect. | |
Select Feed Management from the list. |
Select the Wraps and Platforms Global tab. |
- From the Wrap and Platform Global tab, select (+) Setup.
- The Setup Wrap and Platform Feed screen will appear. Begin typing the fund name into the field and select it from the drop-down list below.
- Select Praemium as the Feed Provider.
- Input the External Reference/Account ID.
The External Account ID is found under the Portfolio column seen previously (step 7 - Adviser level) when selecting the portfolios to export
If you do not set this up, the feed will automatically create new accounts and you might end up with duplicate accounts.
- Select Save. Complete this for each fund.
What data is imported?
All cash, income (dividends, interest, distributions), and investment transactions will be allocated to the correct account in Simple Fund 360. For purchases of new investments not previously held by the fund, new accounts will be created and transactions will be automatically allocated. Note that foreign data is not supported.
Which transactions will be matched?
Investment and income transactions will be automatically matched to their corresponding cash transactions by Simple Fund 360.
Any cash transaction that is not investment related (e.g. an expense) will be automatically matched once Transaction Matching Rules have been set up.
- A manual file can be uploaded from Praemium if the Adhoc option was selected in the setup. This file will be emailed to the administrator account for your Praemium subscription.
- From the Wraps and Platforms Global tab, select the Import Manual File icon.
- On the left-hand side of the screen, ensure Praemium XML Import has been selected. Please Note
The file import has recently been updated to support the newer XML files instead of the older CSV file formats (see Praemium File Upgrade for more information). Previously imported CSV files can still be found through Advanced Options & Reports and File History. Previously loaded transactions via CSV files can be reversed. However once reversed, you will not be able to re-import the CSV file.
- Browse for the file using the box located next to File Location. Ensure the XML file is stored on your computer or network.
Select Import.
If the XML is a bulk file containing data for more than one fund, you can upload the file following the steps above. Ensure Bulk Fund Import is selected and that Praemium has been setup for each fund prior to uploading a bulk file.
Praemium has upgraded its file system which allows foreign data to be exported correctly. All Praemium account export will be upgraded in 2 batches. By 08/11/2022, all accounts should be receiving data under the enhanced format.
For accounts that do not hold foreign investments and currencies, there will be no difference to your entity.
For accounts that hold foreign investments and currencies, the file upgrade is highly beneficial as foreign transactions will now be correctly mapped to the correct foreign bank/investments/income accounts.
Things to look out for:
Duplicate Transactions
Due to transaction reference number limitations from Praemium during the upgrade process, some transactions may be duplicated due to the difference in the transaction reference provided. If there are any duplicated transactions, please manually remove them. Duplicate transactions should only occur with older transaction dates.
Incorrect Foreign Accounts
For Praemium accounts that hold foreign investments AND have yet to create any foreign investment accounts or process any manual fixes to recode transactions to the correct chart code, we highly recommend removing the full Financial Year of transactions related to the Praemium feed and triggering inception export from Praemium. Once Praemium sends through the inception data, the transactions will automatically import into your entity.
To request for inception export, please speak to your Praemium advisor.