The Entity Relationships screen allows you to identify and manage all contacts that are related to an entity. From the entity relationships screen, users are able to:
- Create, remove and edit contacts.
- Add, remove and edit groups of contacts to assign relationships.
Assigning a contact to an entity relationship group will enable the contact to automatically appear in the relevant field. For example, dragging a contact to the Trustee group in the Entity Relationships screen will cause the trustee to appear as a signatory when preparing a Trustee declaration.
The Entity Relationships screen can be accessed by hovering your cursor over Fund from the Main Toolbar, and selecting Entity Relationships from the side menu. (depending on the type of entity, it will display as Fund Relationships for SMSFs, Trust Relationships for Trusts, and Company Relationships for Companies)
Setting up Entity Relationships
Contacts: Contacts that have already been added will appear in the contacts list on the left-hand side of the screen. Existing contact details can be updated directly from this screen.
Update an existing contact
To update an existing contact from the list, hover your cursor to the contact, where Edit button will appear. Select Edit to make changes on the prompted page, click once completed.
Below message will display for users who access this screen the first time.
Create New Contact
To add a new contact to this list, select the Create new contact button.
Upon clicking the Create new contact button, you will be able to determine if the contact is a person, company, trust or other entity.
Relationship Groups
The Entity Relationship groups will appear on the right hand side of the screen. Depending on whether you create an SMSF, Trust or Company, the default groups will be the following.
SMSF | Trust | Company |
You are able to use an existing group, or add your own group. To add your own group, select the Add new group button.
From the drop-down list, you can view the relationship groups you are able to choose from. Select the Relationship (for example, Administrator) Group you would like to add.
Drag & Drop the Contact from the Contact List to the Relationship Group
Repeat this step for the remaining Entity Relationships.
Privacy Settings
Where a non-admin user has Enhanced Privacy toggled on under User Roles, then an individual contact with a mobile phone recorded will have the Mobile section displayed as "Provided", without the mobile phone number disclosed.