More powerful search capabilities have been added to the Fund Search.
Users can now see more information, instead of just the fund name, in the search box as they start typing.
The Fund Search allows you to search for funds using details other than the fund name. For example, you can type in the fund code, member details, contact details, ABNs, fund labels, financial year to quickly locate and select the fund you need.
Information Displayed
The current financial year for that fund together with the number of unmatched transactions will also show next to each fund.
Depending on what you select from the search box, you will be taken to different screens in Simple Fund 360.
Selecting the Fund Name or Fund Financial Year will take you to the Fund Dashboard.
Selecting the unmatched icon will take you to the Transaction Matching >>> Suggested Matches screen, if there are any suggested matches.
Otherwise, Simple Fund 360 will display the Transaction Matching >>> Unmatched Transactions screen.
Selecting will take you to the Transaction List as all your transactions have been matched for that fund.