Fund Relationships in SF360
The Fund Relationships screen allows you to easily identify and manage all contacts that are related to a fund at one glance. From the Relationships screen you can:
- View and edit existing contacts
- Add new contacts
- Remove contacts
This screen is fund specific, allowing you to drill down and manage contacts applicable only to the fund. Refer to the Contacts Help for more information on the Global list of contacts.
To ensure that relationships appear on all Reports, for example trustees appear on the Trustee Declaration; they will need to be added in the Relationships screen before producing the reports.
Navigation to the Fund Relationships tab
From the Main Toolbar, go to Fund. |
Select Fund relationships from the list. |
How to add a Fund Relationship
SF360 Contacts already added will appear under the Contacts List. If a Contact does not yet exist in the Contacts screen, simply select Add New Company or Add New Person to add them to the list.
- On the Relationships landing pad, select Add New Group.
- From the drop down list, select the Relationship (for example, Financial Planner) Group you would like to add.
- Drag & Drop the Contact from the Contact List to the Relationship Group.
- Repeat this step for the remaining Fund Relationships.
Once a contact has been added to a relationship group, a new button will appear at the bottom of the relationship group.
Clicking will copy the email addresses of the contacts in the relationship group to your clipboard.
The 'Open in your email program' will open the default email set up under your browser.