Note: Australia Post ESA service for BGL's clients will end on 30/06/2023. For more information, click here.
From 30/06/2023 onwards, to continue receiving contribution and rollover/release authority messages in Simple Fund 360, the fund needs to:
1. Update the fund's SuperStream registration to the BGLSF360 ESA
- If you are registering the fund for SuperStream, for the first time, see SuperStream: How to register in Simple Fund 360
- If you are switching from the AUSTPOSTSMSF ESA, see Change ESA: How to Change your ESA From Australia Post to BGL ESA
- If you are migrating from Simple Fund Desktop, see Migrating SuperStream registered funds from Simple Fund Desktop to Simple Fund 360
2. Update the employer of BGLSF360 ESA
3. Update the ATO of BGLSF360 ESA.
BGL launched a new SuperStream Electronic Service Address (ESA) called BGLSF360 that supports SuperStream Rollovers, Release Authorities and Contributions. As of 01/10/2021, all new registrations will use the BGLSF360 ESA Only.
Note: The BGLSF360 ESA is free of charge when registering directly with Simple Fund 360.
Support Query
I have received an email notification from Australia Post regarding a rollover / release authority message that requires action.
However, I do not have a login for the Australian Post portal or when logging in to the portal I cannot view the rollover / release authority messages.
The Issue
The fund's ABN that receives the SuperStream rollover / release authority message is registered with the AUSPOSTSMSF ESA and the fund is managed in Simple Fund 360.
However, in Simple Fund 360, SuperStream rollovers and release authorities are only supported under the BGLSF360 ESA.
To view and process SuperStream rollover and release authority messages in Simple Fund 360, please follow the instructions below:
If the message is for a rollover:
1. Change the ESA for the ABN in Simple Fund 360 to the BGLSF360 ESA. For more information, click here.
2. Contact the external fund to re-send the message using the new ESA.
If the message is a release authority:
1. Change the ESA for the ABN in Simple Fund 360 to the BGLSF360 ESA. For more information, click here.
2. The Trustee needs to notify the ATO of the new BGLSF360 ESA. This can be done via the below methods:
- Through a registered agent via the tax agent portal
- Contact ATO via phone: 13 10 20 – you must be the authorised contact for your SMSF
- By lodging the paper form Change of details for superannuation entities (NAT 3036) (PDF, 605KB).
3. The trustees or tax agent should contact the ATO to confirm if a response to the original Release Authority has been issued (citing any available ATO references or conversation IDs)
a. If an RAER (Release Authority Error Response) is received, the Release Authority cannot be re-routed. The trustees or tax agent must apply for a new election.
b. If not, please contact the BGL Team at to arrange for the SuperStream message to be routed to the BGL gateway. Please provide the following details in the email:
- Fund ABN
- Date the Release Authority was issued
Apply for a new election:
An election form can be completed and sent to the ATO via one of the following methods
- Online - Complete an election using myGov account linked to the ATO.
- Tax Agent - Speak to your tax agent, who can complete the election using their Online services for agents.
- Paper Copy - Complete a paper copy
Please note that Release Authorities issued when the ESA was registered with Australia Post will still display as AUSPOST. This can still be accepted and the Release Authority will be re-routed through the BGLSF360 ESA.