Migration Warning
"Warning: The following accounts will be merged upon migration as they have the same security link."
This warning appears as the accounts listed in the message each uses the same security code. Simple Fund 360 will merge these accounts together during the migration process. If you wish to keep these accounts separate you will need to attach a different security to each investment in the Simple Fund chart of accounts.
For further assistance please call BGL Support on 1300 654 401.
This warning appears as the accounts listed in the message each uses the same security code. Simple Fund 360 will merge these accounts together during the migration process. If you wish to keep these accounts separate you will need to attach a different security to the duplicate account(s) in the Simple Fund chart of accounts prior to migration.
How to keep the accounts separate:
- Exit the migration utility and access the fund in Simple Fund Desktop. Select Fund Data Input >> Chart of Accounts. Locate the duplicate account >> right click and select Edit.
- Select the magnifying glass in the Security field.
- Select the New icon.
- Add the new security. In this example, the security code used is BHP1 and the name is BHP Billiton 2 as the original security is BHP. Select Save.
- The new security is attached. Select Save to update the chart account.
- Complete the above steps for any other securities listed in the migration warning.
- Access the migration utility and re-migrate the fund.
Note (Listed Securities): Attach the original security back to any listed investments post-migration to ensure daily pricing revaluations import for each investment. Access the fund in Simple Fund 360 and from the Main Toolbar, select Accounting >> Chart of Accounts. Locate the duplicate investment account and select it.
- Click into the Securities field.
Search for and select the original security (BHP.AX in this example).
When the original security is selected, the Investment Code will change (BHP.AX). Each investment account will need to have a separate code.
In this example, the code will be manually changed back to BHP1.AX. Edit the Investment Code section.
- Select Save. Complete the above change for any remaining listed securities.