If a migrated fund contains the following investment accounts in Simple Fund, select Custom Chart Mapping to map these accounts prior to migration.
- Fixed Interest Securities under account 724 or 608;
- Fixed Interest Securities (Overseas) account 725;
- Fixtures and Fittings account 726;
- Leased Assets account 738;
- Insurance Policies account 740;
- Loans to Associated Entities account 742;
- Motor Vehicles account 755;
- Plant and Equipment account 765.
By default, Fixed Interest accounts will map to:
- Account 72450 if the Fixed Interest account contains units in the transaction screen;
- Account 72400 if the Fixed Interest account does not contain units in the transaction screen;
- Account 60800 if a BSB and Account Number have been input for the Fixed Interest account under Fund Data Input | Bank Accounts in Simple Fund.
To change the mapping of these accounts, select the different account from the drop down list. You can select from the following:
- 72450/INVESTCODE (Investment will be unitised in Simple Fund 360);
- 72400/INVESTCODE (Investment will be non-unitised in Simple Fund 360);
- 60800/BANKCODE (Investment contains a BSB and Account number, and may be used under the BGL Bank Data Service).
To learn more about the Chart of Accounts in Simple Fund 360, see Chart of Accounts.
What if I have already migrated the fund?
To move the term deposit from one account to another refer to Move Term Deposit from one account to another.
How do I transfer a Residential property to Non-Residential?
Refer to Transfer Real Estate Asset from Residential to Non Residential.