Support Query
CMN.ATO.GEN.XBRL03: A field contains invalid data (such as letters in numeric or date field):
This ATO generated error will occur if a field in The SMSF Annual Return contains:
- Letters in numeric or date fields;
- Spaces in invalid fields (for example an additional space between digits in a phone number);
- Numeric digits in letter fields.
The above list is not exhaustive. Additional invalid data errors may generate this error.
To pinpoint the invalid data contained in the message, select the expand icon:
This will expand the error to show the affected field(s):
In this example, the Tax Agent's (lodging party) phone number in Section K contains an additional invalid space in the number field.
This field is greyed out in The SMSF Annual Return, so the Tax Agent contact details will need to be edited in the Contacts screen. Re-write the phone number of the contact and ensure no additional spacing is input.
Once the contact has been updated you will need to select Update Lodging Party prior to re-validating the SMSF Annual Return.
- Go to Compliance | Tax Compliance.
- Under the SMSF Annual Return menu on the left hand side, select Section K (Declarations).
- Select Update Lodging Party. Continue with the Electronic Lodgement process.
- Re-validate the SMSF Annual Return. See Electronic Lodgement.