Support Query
Why are some contributions displaying under TFN Mismatched in the Contributions Breakdown Report?
Please note that SuperStream contribution data will only come through where the employer has reported it using the fund's ABN.
When there is a mismatch, it means that the TFN that BGL (BGLSF360) or Australia Post (AUSTPOSTSMSF) has on its end does not match the one entered in Simple Fund 360 for that member.
Users will need to check if the TFN entered in Simple Fund 360 is correct.
If the TFN entered in Simple Fund 360 is correct, the trustee will need to check whether the correct TFN has been provided to the employer.
If any of the member's details (e.g. member's name) are displaying incorrectly, the employer needs to be contacted to ensure correct details have been provided or reported.