Mail merge fields are embedded within various reports and letters in Simple Fund 360. These fields extract certain information from a fund and display it within a field of a report/letter.
The current merge fields used are listed below and broken down into reports/letters that they are currently used in:
- General Mail Merge Fields;
- Trustee Minute/Resolution;
- Compilation Report;
- SMSF Audit Report;
- Notes to the Financial Statements.
Some merge fields are report specific (such as the Notes to the Financials) but they can be used in other report templates. Templates are existing report structures which can be edited at the Badges level (each Badge has a template and that template is used by funds attached to the Badge).
For more information on editing existing templates, refer to Customising the Template for an Existing Report. Custom Reports can also be created.
You need to copy the mail merge field from the word document template for the customised document to be generated properly.
Custom Report Mail Merge Fields
These mail merge fields can be used for the preparation of Custom Reports.
When adding a Custom Report to a Report Pack, Select Settings and Select Member. Select the member(s) for which these mail merge fields will apply to. More than one member can be selected.
Select Ok once the member(s) have been selected. Refer to Reports for download instructions.
SMSF Audit Report (Letters/Minutes section of Reports)
Field |
Description |
«[#if AuditorOpinionQualified]» true «[/#if]»
Before preparing the report, select Settings
Select the relevant Auditor's Opinion. The following will display if the auditor's opinion is qualified: Basis for Qualified / Disclaimer of / Adverse approved SMSF auditor’s opinion This section should be modified if the financial report is not a true and fair presentation of the financial position of the fund, or if in the opinion of the approved SMSF auditor the financial position of the fund may be, or may be about to become, unsatisfactory or there are other conditions that warrant a qualification. Qualified / Disclaimer of / Adverse approved SMSF auditor’s opinion In my opinion, except for the effects on the financial statements of the matter/s referred to in the preceding paragraph, the financial report presents fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with the accounting policies described in the notes to the financial statements, the financial position of the fund at «${ReportingPeriodEndDate}»and the results of its operations for the year then ended; Note: The above 2 paragraphs will be hidden if auditor's opinion is non qualified. |