The Cash Flow Analytics screen displays an overview of cash-related accounts, payments, and transactions based on pre-existing data entered into the software.
The sections displayed on this screen include:
- Bank Balances Overview
- Payments List
- A Cash In / Cash Out chart
- A Cash Flow from Investments chart
From the Main Toolbar, go to Reports. | |
Select Cash Flows [Beta] from the list. |
Click on any of the tabs below to preview sections of the Cash Flow Analytics screen:
Bank Balance
This section includes all the Bank Accounts (60400), displaying the balance as of the current date.
Hover over the icon to show the feed status of the bank as per the BGL Bank Data Service.
Additional features of this section include:
- The ability to set minimum and maximum limits for each bank account
- Immediate Balance Status updates based on the limits set
- Selecting the check box will notify you via a workflow job when the balance exceeds the limits set
The payments section is used to set regular payments that are required to be made by the entity.
This helps ensure that the entity has enough cash on hand to meet regular payments.
Note: SMSF's and Minimum Pensions
SMSF's that have an active pension account will have an automatic payment displayed.
This “Required for minimum pension” payment is calculated automatically, based on the pension account details in Simple Fund 360.
Enter a Payment name and Payment amount, then click to add the payment to the list.
Select the delete icon to remove a payment from the list.
Cash In/Out
The Cash In / Cash Out section allows you to track cash received and cash payments for the last 6 months.
This includes income and expense transactions that have been posted to the entity.
Cash Flow From Investments
This section displays the net cash flow from investments grouped by investment type.
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