Quickly record and view transactions for each of your funds through Simple Fund 360's new and improved Transactions screen.
Take advantage of interactive filters that allow you to filter transactions in realtime simply by selecting the criteria you wish to filter by.
Last seen
Pick up where you left off reviewing a transaction with Simple Fund 360 now remembering the last transaction you were viewing.
Transactions Screen
Click on any part of the Transactions Screen to learn more.
Transaction Input in Simple Fund 360
The Transaction List in Simple Fund 360 allows for single screen data input.
When entering or matching bank statement entries you will notice that specific accounts will flag a More Details Panel.
The More Details Panel is characterised by the account selected. The panel is responsive to the account you select, allowing you to input additional transaction information when required.
For example, when entering a dividend account and selecting the More Details Panel, Simple Fund 360 will display a Dividend Details panel where you can now enter the tax data that relates to that specific dividend.
This feature eliminates the need for you to access different screens for different transactions, greatly improving the efficiency of transaction input.
Post and Copy
When adding a transaction, select Post and Copy to save a transaction and create a new transaction with the following same details:
- Date
- Reference
- Description
- Accounts used
Amounts (DR, CR and amounts in More Details Panel) will not be copied across.
Use this feature only for current year transactions, do not use this option when adjusting or changing prior year transactions.
If the user selects the Post & Copy button, it automatically highlights the date field when loading the next transaction.
Arithmetic Calculations
Simple Fund 360 now supports the ability to enter arithmetic calculations in all Debit and Credit fields.
See, Arithmetic Calculations
Transaction Types
The following transaction types can be input in Simple Fund 360:
Note: Posting Transactions with Multiple Lines
We recommend limiting transactions to 15 lines of Debits/Credits per transaction for functionality purposes.
Transactions can become locked and become uneditable and posting fewer lines in transactions provides an easier management experience.
In addition to this, transactions that contain more than 15 lines of Debits/Credits are more susceptible to transaction corruption, requiring them to be deleted.
How to record a Bank Statement
Transactions recorded as a bank statement will post a double sided entry to the Transaction List, with one side of the transaction recorded to the fund's bank account.
Single sided bank statements cannot be added to the Transaction List in Simple Fund 360.
- From the Transaction List screen, select New Transaction. From the drop down list, select Bank Statement.
- Input the date of the transaction and a reference number (Simple Fund 360 will automatically produce a reference number, but it is editable). You can include a description of the transaction in the Description box.
- Select Expand to Upload Documents to present the Document drop box.
Under the Account heading, select the bank account from the Select an account box. For Simple Fund 360 to automatically select this bank account by default when entering bank statement transactions, tick the Default Bank check box.
Click on the next Select an account box. Begin typing and select the other account (for quick reference you can type the account name). If you are recording a split transaction (one or more sides of the transaction involves two or more accounts) select Add Line and select the additional account.
- Input the amount of the transaction to the other account as either a Debit or Credit. The bank account fields will automatically post a corresponding entry (if you post a Debit amount to the other account, Simple Fund 360 will post a Credit to the bank for the same amount, and vice versa).
- After you have entered all information for the transaction, select Post to add the transaction and return to the Transaction List, or select Post & Add Another to add the transaction to the Transaction List, but remain on the Bank Statement screen.
How to record a Journal
A Journal transaction will post a double sided entry to the Transaction List. The main difference between Bank Statement and Journal transactions is that a Bank Statement transaction requires one side of the transaction to involve a fund's bank account.
Single sided journal transactions cannot be added to the Transaction List in Simple Fund 360.
- From the Transaction List screen, select New Transaction. From the drop down list, select Journal.
- Input the date of the transaction and a reference number (Simple Fund 360 will automatically produce a reference number, but it is editable). You can include a description of the transaction in the Description box.
- Select Expand to Upload Documents to present the Document drop box.
- Under the Account heading, click on the Select an account check box and begin typing or select the accounts (for quick reference you can type the account name) to the transaction for each side. If you are recording a split transaction (one or more sides of the transaction involves two or more accounts) select Add Line and select the additional account.
- Input the amounts of the transaction in the fields below the Debit and Credit columns.
- After you have entered all information for the transaction, select Post to add the transaction and to return to the Transaction List, or select Post & Add Another to add the transaction to the Transaction List, but remain on the Journal screen.
Transaction Input Keyboard Shortcuts
Simple Fund 360 has its own shortcut keys should you prefer to use the keyboard rather than the mouse. Some common shortcut keys are as follows:
Shortcut | Action |
Ctrl + Shift + Z | Create a new line item in the transaction screen |
Ctrl + Enter | Post a transaction |
Ctrl + Shift + Enter | Post current transaction and add another transaction |
Ctrl + Shift | Add to the list |
Esc | Cancel out of a new transaction without saving |
Transaction Filters
Matching Filters
Field | Description |
Status |
Indicates the matching status for the transaction. Please see the Matching Filters table above for more information. |
Date | The date of the transaction. |
Ref | Transaction reference. This is not used by the system, it is for your record keeping purposes. |
Account | The Simple Fund 360 chart account the transaction has been posted to. |
Units | Only applicable to investment purchase and disposals. Indicates the number of investment units either purchased or disposed. Disposed investment units will display as a negative number. |
Debit/Credit | The debit/credit amount of the transaction. |
Description |
The description or narration of a journal. Note: The Description field is limited to 300 characters maximum. |
Actions | Actions that can be taken on a transaction. Please see the Actions for more information |
Filter by field
Each transaction field can be selected to create a filter in place that will filter all transactions by the selected field.
For example, selecting the date of 30/06/2017 will filter all transactions that also occurred on the same date:
Sortable Columns
All columns with arrows pointing up and down:
can be sorted simply by clicking on the column header itself.
Last Opened Transaction
Simple Fund 360 will mark the most recent transaction you have been editing in the Transactions screen.
This is especially useful when editing large amounts of similar transactions where you need to record additional details for each transaction. This includes transactions such as:
- Pension payments
- Distribution payments
- Dividends
Suggested Match
Take advantage of Smart Matching's pattern recognition AI in matching transactions, available now in the Transaction List. Simple Fund 360 displays a suggested match for all unmatched transactions allowing you to efficiently process unmatched transactions.
Click the Unmatched icon
This displays the suggested match for any unmatched transaction. The suggested match leverages the same matching AI as the Smart Matching screen:
Clicking the "Go to Smart Matching" link will take you to the Smart Matching screen allowing you to match the transaction.
Pagination Controls
Page control | Image | Description |
Results per page | |
Allows the results displayed per page to be changed. |
Page selector | |
Change the current page of transactions being viewed. |