The Investment Security List screen makes managing an entity's securities much easier. The following article intends to provide a brief overview of the screen's functions and possible benefits it can provide.
From the Main Toolbar, head to Investments | |
Select Investment Security List |
- The search bar allows for all securities to be searched for, including securities that are not attached to the entity.
- The date field determines the price that will be displayed as well as which investments will appear in the new investment security list.
- A toggle that displays all securities in the entity with a balance or all securities that have been attached to the entity.
- The securities attached to the entity, clicking on a security will open up a pop-up with the details of the security.
- The chart links will open a new tab, directly to the securities' chart of account.
- The Add security button allows for custom securities to be added.
- The Markets and Partners button opens a pop-up that displays which exchanges are providing the data for the system securities, as well as a tab for connecting to property valuation assessment firms.
- The Unit Prices Report button generates the Investment Unit Prices Report.
- This link will switch the Investment security list to its old design.
On the right side of the screen, select the Add Security button.
This will open a pop-up to enter the details of the security.
1. Select the market type of the security via the drop-down.
2. Enter the security code for the new security. If the market type that had been selected is a stock exchange (for example, ASX) the system will have added to the security code the required suffix for the exchange (.AX)
3. Enter the Security name for the new security.
4. Click save to create the security.
Click on the security to open up a pop-up with the details of the security
Then select the security prices tab in the pop-up.
Click the button to add a custom price for the security.
- If the custom price is only relevant for the selected entity, toggle "Entity Level Custom Price"
- Enter the date the security was revalued.
- Enter the price per unit for the security, then click the save changes button.
Once a price has been added, you can close the pop-up or add another price for the same investment.
Clicking close will display the newly added price.
A new feature of this investment security list screen is the ability to change the asset allocation of system securities. This will update the investment strategy comparison report's assets allocation.
First, click on the security that needs its asset allocation adjusted
Then, in the pop-up select the asset allocation tab.
Click the button to add a custom asset allocation for the selected security.
This will open another pop-up.
Enter the date, and allocate the investment types the security is made up of to a total of 100%, then click save changes.
After clicking save changes, there is the option to add another allocation for the same security or close the allocation pop-up.
The Asset Allocation tab will now show the newly added custom allocation.