Smart Matching: All Documents, Uploaded to the Documents Screen, Workpapers screen, via BGL’s API or via Smart Docs Email will now be used as part of our Smart Matching process.
Documents Screen: We have beefed up the search function to support Full-Text Search unencrypted documents (e.g. pdf, word, excel & txt) which have been uploaded after this release. This means you can search for words, and the returned results will be more relevant, providing the extracted information that you want.
SmartDocs Email: Sending and uploading documents into Simple Fund 360 has become even easier with SmartDocs Emails. Every entity will now have one unique email. Files sent to this email are instantly added to the Entity’s Documents page. Your Unique email will be easily assessable from your Entity dashboard screen.
SuperStream Dashboard: The Email Notification Report is now available to show you a detailed list of all registered ABNs and SuperStream Email notification subscriptions for all funds (SMSF Only).
SuperStream Dashboard: New columns have been added. A Rollover/Release Authority Total Amount and Transaction Type column will now display the Release Authority Payment type. This can be found under Action Required tab (SMSF Only).
Documents Screen: Users will now not be able to delete lodgement reports in Documents Screen (SMSF Only).
The Minutes of Meeting of Directors is the latest report to be added to Simple Invest 360 (Trusts, Companies and Individuals).
Corporate Actions: 12 new mergers have been added to the corporate action screen.
Corporate Actions: 2 Share Split Corporate Actions added for ANET.NYSE & AMZN.NSDQ.
Corporate Actions: 15 Code Changes have been added for ANZ Capital Notes and Debit Securities.
Contacts: Improved the contact search function when searching contacts by name.
Bank Data: Added validations for certain unsupported BSB numbers for ANZ Bank.
Share Data: Improve contract notes email generation.
SuperStream: Contact search is now made faster (SMSF Only).
SuperStream Dashboard: Change ESA’ is now available under Fund View (SMSF Only).
SuperStream Dashboard: Sorting options are now available to the ‘Last Update’ and ‘Days Outstanding’ columns in the SuperStream Dashboard - Fund View (SMSF Only).
SuperStream Dashboard: Expand/Collapse All options are now available to the ‘Member’ and ‘Total Amount’ columns in the SuperStream Dashboard – Fund View (SMSF Only).
PAYG Reporting: The PAYG workflow has been updated, where users can now prepare the PAYG Summary and all related forms, directly from the PAYG screen (SMSF Only).
Unit Trusts: Improved the 58300 – Contributions Tax account and Beneficiary screen to handle up to 6 decimal places for the number of units field (Trusts, Companies and Individuals).
Reports: Extended the APES315 footer of the Appropriation Statement (Trusts, Companies and Individuals).
Reports: Now including the 72350 – Farming Property account in the Rental Schedule for Trusts and Companies (Trusts, Companies and Individuals).
Tax Labels: Added a new secondary tax labels – ‘Related Party Loans’ for Trusts and Companies, and ‘Related Party Interest’ for Companies only (Trusts, Companies and Individuals).
Investment Income Generation: The Investment Income Generation screen now facilitates sorting by columns and the capability to dismiss small variations (Trusts, Companies and Individuals).
Reports: Improvements made to the ‘Minutes of Meeting of Directors’, ‘Dividends Paid Minute’ and ‘Declaration of Dividends’ when dividend payments are absent (Trusts, Companies and Individuals).
Reports: Improved the Rental Property Statement and Notes to the Financials Statements for tax label “Other Rental Income” (Trusts, Companies and Individuals).
Fixed: Intermittent timeout error when generating the Distribution Reconciliation report.
Fixed: License Report displaying an inaccurate ‘Total Used’ count when Bank/Share Data license is shared between SMSF and SI entities.
Fixed: Incorrect AMIT mapping for BT Panorama Data Feeds.
Fixed: SuperStream Action Required tab no longer loads twice (SMSF Only).
Fixed: Contribution Breakdown report will not always display a covid re-contribution cap for future years if the cap is negative in a prior year (SMSF Only).
Added: When a reversionary pension account exists, deleting the original account will trigger a warning message disallowing the deletion (SMSF Only).
Fixed: Transferred Fund PAYG Validation Report Date/Time now displays correctly (SMSF Only).
Fixed: Remove reference to s50 of the SIS Act from the Trustee Declaration (SMSF Only).
Fixed an issue where report pack name was not showing in browser tab (Trusts, Companies and Individuals).
Capital Gains Reserve amount rounding issues fixed (Trusts, Companies and Individuals).
Fixed an issue affecting generation of Distribution Reconciliation report for entities that had many securities (Trusts, Companies and Individuals).
Fixed a rounding issue for beneficiaries in Tax Return (Trusts, Companies and Individuals).
Fixed an issue where Exempt Net Income was included in label 15 on Trust Tax Reconciliation report (Trusts, Companies and Individuals).
Fixed an issue where beneficiary name was not updating correctly in Profit Distribution screen (Trusts, Companies and Individuals).