1. The brand new Consolidated Reporting screen is your one-stop solution to combine Investment and Financial data from various entities in your BGL Subscription!
This new consolidated view covers Investment Holdings and Performance to Asset Allocation, Taxation information, and Financials for SMSF’s, Companies, Trusts, and Individuals.
2. SmartDocs has been upgraded with the new SmartDocs Rental Statement Integration, making the management of investment properties even more effortless. Our technology extracts all necessary data from rental statements allowing you to review and adjust a single consolidated figure into a complete set of income and expenses for the property.
3. Introducing the Monthly Rental Property Statement, the month to month version of the existing Rental Statement report. This will help you track your net rental income on a monthly basis, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the property’s financial performance.
4. SmartDocs has not one but TWO new features in this release! Now, you can easily extract information from photos in jpg/jpeg format by simply emailing them to our Smart Docs Email.
Whether you’re on the go or at your desk, snap a picture with your device and SmartDocs will automatically convert jpg/jpeg to a PDF and upload your Documents, ready to be used by Smart Matching.
Unless specified the following apply to SMSFs, Trusts, Companies and Individuals within Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360.
Badges: The Entity Setup screen now supports the new badges screen. You can now set a default badge of choice when creating new entities.
Corporate Actions: 2 New Mergers have been added to the Corporate Action screen.
Distribution Tax Automation: The screen will now display accruals posted without the need to refresh the page.
Entity Details: The ‘Automatic Revaluations’ toggle on the Entity Details screen will now be ‘toggled off’ by default for Trusts, Companies and Individuals.
Feed Management: The Feed Management screen will now display a notification message when the provider credentials have expired.
Feed Management: Updated the authority form for DDH Graham to comply with the bank’s requirements.
Franking Account Worksheet (Companies only): Improved the logic in the Franking Account Worksheet. Transactions posted to the 85000 account, and the double entry is not against a bank account, the transaction will also appear in the next financial year.
Reports: The Detailed Investment Strategy Comparison Report offers a more detailed breakdown of asset types than what the system provides, by utilising custom chart of account tags.
Reports: The Members Statement, Consolidated Members Statement and Members Summary for SMSFs will now accurately display the age at the date of death.
Emailing Documents using BGL SmartDocs: Instead of sending a separate email for each file sent to the entity’s email, users will now receive a single confirmation email of the document received. Additional emails will only be sent if there are any processing issues.
Emailing Documents using BGL SmartDocs: PDF files that are password protected are now supported for import to the Document Screen.
SuperStream (SMSFs only):
- Australia Post ESA service for BGL clients will end on 30/06/2023. Simple Fund 360 will display an alert to inform users of the next steps required. For more information, click here.
- The Email Notification Report has been updated. A new column ‘Last Contribution ESA’ has been added.
- Are your funds currently registered or been previously registered with SuperStream on Simple Fund Desktop? If so, you can now automatically update your registration to the BGLSF360 ESA as you switch to Simple Fund 360. Here’s how!
- Notification Letters can now be generated on the SuperStream Dashboard (Fund View).
Unless specified the following apply to SMSFs, Trusts, Companies and Individuals within Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360.
Fund Transfers (SMSFs only): The issue of SMSF Annual Return not being transferred has been resolved for Fund Transfers.
PAYG (SMSFs only): The Lump Sum Prepayment Form for PAYG (SMSFs only) was generated erroneously if no Tax or Tax-Free amounts were present.
PAYG (SMSFs only): In scenarios with Lump Sum Death Benefit to Dependant, the PAYG PS was generated when a form is not required.
Reports: On four reports, the accounting profit was inaccurately displayed when a return of capital was involved with brokerage.
Reports: Error generating specific custom reports as part of a report pack.
Reports: The Alternate Members Statement had a problem with an inaccurate comparative graph for Opening Balance.
SelfWealth: The Connection Error for SelfWealth has been resolved.