Common Query
When using digital signing, I can not see the signing date inserted on the signed document, what shall I do?
BGL has currently partnered with two digital signing providers, Adobe Sign and DocuSign. At this stage, neither provider can have a signing date inserted. However when the document is signed and automatically saved in the Simple Fund 360 Document screen. There would be a time of signing recorded as part of the audit trail.
Users can have the date pre-filled before sending it to clients, by following the steps below.
1. Select documents from the Reports screen
2. Select Common Settings. On the prompted page, flag Enable Common Report Settings as Yes and input a Report Date below. Select Save Settings once updated.
This date will appear on all the selected documents.
Alternatively, where Enable Common Report Settings is Not flagged on, users can also select Settings under Options on the far right end of the document. Update Report Date from the prompted page and select OK once completed.
The date will appear in this individual document updated.
Note where dates set up on the two screens above are different, the Report Date set from Common Settings, once enabled, will override any individual report settings specified.