The Investment Performance Report lists the following investment information:
- Opening Value
- Purchases
- Sales
- Closing Value
- Realised Market Gain
- Unrealised Market Gain
- Net Income
- Income and Market Gain
- Return %
How is the Net Income column calculated?
The Net Income column is calculated as: the sum of all transactions to the linked income accounts plus any Franking Credits and TFN Amounts Withheld minus the sum of all transactions to the linked expense accounts and any amounts input in the "Less Other Expenses" field in the More Details Panel.
How is the Income and Market Gain column calculated?
This column includes Net Income plus realised and unrealised market gains.
How is the Return % calculated?
(Net Income + Market Gain) / (Opening Balance + Purchases - Sales).
Term deposits recorded to account 60800 will calculate the return percentage as 0 for the first financial year if the term deposit is initially recorded as at any date after the first date in the reporting period.
This is because in the first year, for the term deposits there is no opening balance and purchases are only recognised by the report for unitised investment account.
How to prepare
From the Main Toolbar, go to Reports. |
Select Reports. |
To download an individual report in PDF, Word or Excel format:
- On the left-hand side of the Reports screen, search for the Investment Performance report.
- Select the green arrow to add the report to the Report Pack List.
- Select either Download PDF, Download Word or Download Excel.
You can also add these reports to a Report Pack. See Reports for instructions.