Support Query
I have updated the name of a contact in the Contacts Screen which flows through to the Members Screen, however it doesn't seem to have updated in the Chart of Accounts. This is causing issues as the old contact name is the one being displayed on reports. How can I fix this?
To correct the issue, you must check that the contact changes have been updated in the Member List. Once they have, you will need to open and re-save the Member Account in the Members list.
1. Once the contact details have been updated, hover the cursor over Member from the Main Toolbar and select Member List.
2. Select the relevant contact from the Member List by clicking on one of the accounts for the member who's details have been changed. Confirm that the details have been updated and select save at the bottom left hand corner of the screen.
3. Open the Chart of Accounts to confirm that the details have been updated. Click the downward arrow next to the Control Account to see the contacts details.
*54160 (Pensions Paid) is being used as an example.