Simple Fund 360 allows you to invite Trustees. You are able to determine what these users can access and see by editing the User Role settings of each user.
There are two options to inviting Trustees to Simple Fund 360.
Option 1: Invite New User
To invite Trustees into Simple Fund 360, please take the following steps:
1. From the Main toolbar, hover your cursor over Settings and select Invite New User.
2. You are required to enter the Trustees Email, First Name, Last Name and Role. Select Trustee as the Role. If you would like to add another user, select +Add another user to the invite list and repeat the process.
3. To assign a fund to the Trustee, under Assigned Fund(s), select 0 Fund(s) .
From the Unassigned Funds, select the fund relevant and click the right arrow to assign the fund.
Once you have assigned the fund, select Save.
4. Select the Invite User(s) button to send the invitation to the Trustee. The invitation to access Simple Fund 360 will be sent to the Email Address entered on this page.
5. You will be given confirmation of the invitation. Select Done.
If you have made a mistake and/or wish to cancel the invitation, from the Invitation screen select the Invited tab and select Cancel.
Option 2: Share Fund
Trustee access is provided to Simple Fund 360 by the software administrator.
The simplest way to invite an auditor is to go to Fund | Fund Dashboard and select Share With | Trustee
Complete the Trustee's name and email details and click Invite. This will provide the Trustee with Trustee Access to Simple Fund 360 based on the default Trustee User Role.
The trustee will receive an email invitation to login and create a password (if they don't already have one).
User roles
User roles provide you with the ability to manage and create user permissions in Simple Fund 360. This will determine what the Trustee can/cannot do in Simple Fund 360. It is our recommendation that you review these permissions before you send the invitation to the Trustee.
To access User Roles within Simple Fund 360 please take the following steps:
1. From the Main toolbar, hover your cursor over Settings and select User Roles.
2. From the Role: drop-down menu, select Trustee.
3. To change any of the permissions, click the toggle off to restrict their access to the corresponding function, and click the toggle on
to enable access to the corresponding function.