After preparing the tax return I want to change the tax agent attached to the fund. How do I change the tax agent in the tax return?
1. Ensure the new tax agent is created
From the Main Toolbar, go to Settings. | |
Select Lodging party from the list. |
Select Add New Lodging Party
See Adding a Lodging Party Tax Agent for more information.
2. Attach the new Tax agent to the fund
From the Main Toolbar, go to Settings. | |
Select Lodging party from the list. |
Click on the desired tax agent:
In the popup screen, click on
Select the funds from the list, moving them to the "Assigned entities" section. Once finished, click Save:
3. Once the tax agent is added and attached to the fund, update the lodging party in the Tax return.
From the Main Toolbar navigate to the Compliance menu. | |
Select Tax compliance. |
Under the SMSF Annual Return menu on the left-hand side, select Section K (Declarations).
Select Update Lodging Party. You will now be able to validate the return.