Support Query
Can I import historical contract notes into Simple Fund 360?
You and your clients can send historical contract notes to Simple Fund 360. The contract notes need to be emailed to the fund's unique email address. When sending the contract notes, they must be:
- the original PDF version (not a scanned copy);
- separate contract notes (you can send more than one contract note per email; however they need to be separate attachments).
SF360 will upload historical contract notes the next day (checks are run each day for any new contract notes to be uploaded, including historical notes.)
Alternatively, you can complete a contract note re-request to upload the transactions once they have been sent to the unique email address. To complete a re-request:
From the Main Toolbar, go to Connect. | |
Select Feed Management from the list. |
- Navigate to the Share Data Global tab. Select the checkbox next to the fund.
- Select the Re-Request Transactions button.
- From the Re-request Transactions screen, select the date range between Do Not Load Before and Do Not Load After to capture any historical contract notes you have sent.
- Select Import.
Downloading historical contract notes from the broker's website
The following is some examples from where you can download the historical notes:
ANZ Share Investing