Simple Fund 360 integrates with Share Registries to automatically receive investment holding data based on a quarterly basis using the Entity's HIN or SRN. This service will support unlimited HINs or SRNs per entity.
This service provides a convenient way to compare holding balances as reported by the Share Registry with the holding balance in the user’s ledger on the Balance Review screen to ensure that there are no variances.
The Registry Data Service requires a subscription to the BGL Share Data Add-On Pack.
If you have not already subscribed to The Share Data Pack, please contact BGL Sales on 1300 654 401 for more information.
A list of supported share registries are provided in the table below.
Share Registry | Supported? |
Computershare | YES |
MUFG Pension & Market Services | YES |
Boardroom | YES |
Advanced Share Registry | NO |
Automic Group Share Registry | NO |
Setting up a feed.
When editing the setup of a feed, please ensure to save any changes by clicking ‘Save’ prior to exiting
From the Main Toolbar, navigate to Connect. | |
Select Feed Management | |
Navigate to Share Data Global. |
1. Click ‘(+) Setup’ for the entity that you would like to set up a Registry Data feed for.
2. Review the consent: This screen is used to setup a Registry Data Feed with each Australian Share Registry. By disclosing their SRN or HIN and Postcode to the BGL User setting up this service, the Investor (SMSF Trustee) is deemed to have given their consent to the Registries sharing data with the BGL user via this service. BGL will retrieve the Investor's holding and payment data from each Registry on a quarterly basis.
3. Input the Postcode and HINs/SRNs for the investment. Select the option Apply to All if the HIN/SRN applies to all investments. Alternatively, add the postcode and HIN/SRN to the investments individually.
- The postcode will pre-fill from the Postal Address of the fund in Fund Details. This can be edited on screen.
- Ensure the capital letter, such as X, I or C is in capitals. You will receive an error if recorded in lowercase.
4. Select the blue plus sign to add the HIN/SRN details to the investment. Repeat this step for the remaining investments.
5. Click ‘Save’ once all HIN/SRN and postcode information has been input. The initial request will be made to the registry provider for the retrieval of balance information which will be displayed on the Balance Review screen.
Note Boardroom Statements
Please note that on some Boardroom statements, there will be no letter preceding the HIN number. Simple Fund 360 still requires the letter, please ensure that the HIN digits visible on your Boardroom statement are entered in Simple Fund 360 prefixed with the letter "X".
Example: click this image to view it in a larger window (opens image in a new tab).
The initial request for the Registry Data Service will retrieve the last four quarters of holding balances into the Balance Review screen automatically. Any balances prior to the last four quarters cannot be obtained.
After the initial request, Simple Fund 360 will automatically request holding balances from the registry provider on a quarterly basis.
The Registry Data Service is available for users who subscribe (or have already subscribed) to The Share Data Pack. For more information on pricing please contact BGL on 1300 654 401 and request to speak with a member of our Sales Team.
2. Will the removal of HIN/SRN and/or postcodes stop the connection between Simple Fund 360 and the Registry provider?
The removal of a HIN/SRN and/or postcode will stop the balance check for the investments where these items are removed.
3. Will changing a postcode in the Postal Address section of Fund Details update the postcode used in the registry settings?
No. If the postcode needs to be changed for investments this will need to be completed manually in the Registry Data Feed setup screen. Any postcode changes in Fund Details will not update the Registry Data Feed setup.
4. When setting up an investment it will not allow me to input a HIN/SRN against the investment?
When a listed security has been delisted you will not be able to input a HIN/SRN in the setup screen for that investment.
Alternatively, our system does not allow invalid HINs/SRNs to be inputted. As such, the HIN/SRN could be invalid.
5. I am a Simple Fund Desktop User. Does my fund's registry subscription migrate over to Simple Fund 360 when the fund is migrated?
The Simple Fund Desktop registry service does not migrate over to Simple Fund 360. These two services are different.
In order to use the service in Simple Fund 360, you will need to subscribe to The Share Data Pack.