Below is a list of the most common troubleshooting questions Simple Fund 360 users are asked when contacting BGL Support in regards to the Registry Data Service. Review the queries prior to Logging a Support Call.
Common Support Solutions
When inputting a HIN/SRN or Postcode for the Registry service, you receive one of the following error messages:
HIN/SRN: HIN/SRN entered is invalid.
Postcode: Postcode entered is invalid.
Ensure the capital letter, such as X, I, or C is in capitals. You will receive an error if recorded in lowercase.
A HIN or SRN can have up to 12 characters, usually starting with an 'X', 'I', or 'C' followed by up to 11 digit numbers, for example, 'X00012345678' or 'X12345678'.
The HIN or SRN can be found in the top right-hand corner of your holding statement and other shareholder communications.
A HIN, being Broker sponsored, commences with an 'X'. If you have an account number from a CHESS statement you will need to add an 'X' to the front of the account number.
An SRN, being Issuer sponsored, commences with an 'I' or 'C'. You will need to enter the 'I' or 'C' followed by the 11-digit number.
The postcode will need to be entered as four digits. For example, 3187.
The investment may be delisted. A HRN/SRN cannot be entered for delisted securities.
From the main toolbar, click on Investments > Balance Review.
Is the investment being held by a supported Share Registry?
Check the “Report As At Date” in the Balance Review Screen. - The initial request for the registry data service will retrieve the last four quarter holding balances into the Balance Review screen automatically. Beyond the initial request, Simple Fund 360 will automatically request holding balances from the registry provider on a quarterly basis.
Review the HRN/SRN and postcode input into Simple Fund 360 within the Feed Management screen and confirm these details with the client.
Log into Computershare, Boardroom or Link Market using the HIN/SRN and postcode to test whether the credentials are correct.
If the login fails, then the HRN/SRN or Postcode is incorrect. If the login succeeds, then the HIN/SRN and Postcode will be correct.
If the credentials are correct, please try removing the HIN/SRN and postcode from the Registry Data Feed setup, saving these changes (Keep Balance Data), and then re-input these details against the relevant investments.
Alternatively, please log a Support Call with our Data Services Team to review the issue further.
You may need to add the HIN/SRN for the newly acquired asset for it to appear in the balance review screen.
The new asset may not have existed on the date that is currently set for the 'Report As At' date on the Balance Review screen.
The new asset was purchased in the current quarter. The balance will be imported after the end of the quarter.
Only users with Admin access can remove balances from the Balance Review screen. Please click here for instructions on how the Admin user can do this.
If the postcode for investments requires an update, this will need to be completed manually in the setup screen. Any postcode changes in Fund Details will not update the Registry screen.
For more information please click here