Smart Reports provides instant access to the main financial reports accompanied by AI Analysis all from within one screen.
The Smart Reports screen can be used to generate the following:
- Statement of Financial Position
- Operating Statement
- Statement of Cash Flows
- Trial Balance and General Ledger
- Account View
The AI Analysis function included on this screen is an innovative feature that utilises advanced Generative AI technology to provide detailed and concise insights into the generated reports.
From the Main Toolbar, go to Reports. |
Select Smart Reports Beta from the list. |
- Available reports - Click to select which report is displayed.
- Dates Selected - Select the desired period, Start/End dates, and comparatives for the report
- AI Analysis - Click this to generate an AI Analysis of the selected report.
- Generate Reports - Generate a PDF file including the selected report.
- Note: The specific dates of Comparison Periods for comparatives are determined by the Badge applied to the fund. See Badges for more info.
Reports Available
The Statement of Financial Position, also known as the Balance Sheet, outlines a super fund's assets, liabilities, and member balances, providing critical insights for informed decision-making.
Selecting the Summary/Detailed View toggle will change how the report is displayed:
If the report is out of balance, this will be displayed at the bottom of the report.
- For more information, see Statement of Financial Position is out of balance.
Sample Report:
The Operating Statement details income, expenses, and net earnings, offering financial management and planning insights.
Selecting the Summary/Detailed View toggle will change how the report is displayed:
Sample Report:
Hovering over the Statement of Cash Flows option allows you to select Reporting or Analytics.
For more information on each screen, please see the relevant help article:
The Account View lists all accounts with their current year balances, aiding in verifying financial accuracy when preparing financial statements.
All types of accounts can be selected and are colour-coded for ease of use:
When you select an account from the Account View, the Transaction List will automatically display a filtered screen consisting of all transactions that make up the account selected:
Note that if a Control Account is selected, you will need to select a relevant Sub Account under that category to display these transactions:
Trial Balance:
The Trial Balance lists all accounts with their current year balances, aiding in verifying financial accuracy when preparing financial statements.
Documents can be uploaded when viewing the Trial Balance. To do so, first select the relevant account, then select + Add Document:
Uploaded documents can be accessed by selecting the paper clip icon next to relevant accounts:
Selecting the sub-accounts by clicking on the name of the sub-account will open the transaction list displaying all transactions posted to the account
General Ledger:
In the top right is a General Ledger button. Selecting this will open a general ledger view. There is also the option to generate the General Ledger report in PDF, Excel and Word formats
In this general ledger screen the transactions of all of the selected accounts.
There are a few options in the top left of the General ledger:
- Add Transaction: will open a new tab to the transaction list add journal screen
- Ledger FY: select the desired date range for the general ledger.
- Filters: allows the user to search for accounts or set the general ledger to display a range of accounts
- Refresh: updates the general ledger with new information if transaction data has changed since it was opened.
- Generate Report: downloads the general ledger including the selected accounts in a PDF/Excel/Word format.
The total Debits and Credits will be displayed at the bottom of the report.
If the user selects specific accounts by clicking the checkbox on the left side of the accounts, then the general ledger button will be blue and will only display those selected accounts.
AI Analysis
The AI Analysis feature utilises advanced Generative AI technology on the Smart Reports screen, analysing reports to provide deeper insights and predictive analysis.
Selecting the AI Analysis button will prompt Simple Fund 360 to generate a detailed analysis of the selected report.