The Property Valuation Minute can be generated from the Reports screen.
This minute is prepared to recognise that a property or properties held by a fund have been valuated on a certain date and the trustees accept the valuation.
This minute is also fully customisable using existing report templates, and can be digitally signed.
How to prepare
From the Main Toolbar, go to Reports | |
Select Reports |
1. On the left-hand side of the Reports screen, use the search bar to search for the Property Valuation Minute. Alternatively, locate the report under Letters/Minutes.
2. In the Search Result Reports section, select the green arrow to add the report to your Report Pack List.
3. Once the report has been added, select Settings (to the right of the report).
The Property Valuation Minute screen will appear:
Report Date | The date of the document prepared. |
Apologies | Select any trustees that were unable to attend the meeting. |
Chairperson | Select the chairperson (trustee) signing the document. |
Properties | Select the property(ies) to include in this report. |
4. Select SAVE.
Select Download PDF or Download Word . The Minute can also form part of a Report Pack. Refer to Reports.