Using BGL technology you can now digitally sign custom reports that are uploaded as Word documents.
- You can have up to a maximum of six contacts sign per document.
- You will be required to edit the documents to place anchor texts.
- The maximum file size that can be uploaded is 10MB.
- Up to 10 documents can be uploaded at once.
- To set up Digital Signing for all Trustees only, see Option 1.
- To set up Digital Signing for any other individuals, see Option 2.
Bulk Trustee Digital Signing Merge Field for Custom Reports
The Bulk Trustee Digital Signing Merge Field can be used in Word documents to generate digital signing fields for all trustees.
1. Open the Word document.
2. Click the following link to download a Word Document that contains the merge field:
3. Copy the Merge Field text directly from the Word Document.
*Note - This merge field is only available in Word Documents
Merge Field |
Description |
This merge field allows you to generate a signing field for each of the Trustees added in the Entity Relationships screen. |
The text above the dotted line («${Person.DigitalSignature}») is intentionally transparent to facilitate a digital signing field.
Copying the Person.DigitalSignature field is required to facilitate digital signing.
4. Once the merge field has been added, proceed to Step 2: Upload.
Elements in this merge field such as formatting or content can be edited in the template.
The following tabs outline some examples:
Set up Digital Signing for Any Individual
1. Open the Word document.
2. From the Reports Screen in Simple Fund 360, Download the Custom Letter Template.
3. Copy the DigitalSignature anchor text directly from the Custom Letter Template.
Alternatively, you can choose to add the following Merge Field that will generate digital signing fields for all trustee relationships added in the entity:
For these mail merge fields to work, you cannot create your own mail merge fields or use the signing fields from existing document templates. You must use the supplied mail merge field specifically from the Simple Fund 360 Custom letter Template.
4. Position the wrapped anchor text, into the 3rd party Word Document.
5. Highlight the anchor text and change the text colour to white.
6. Right-click on the anchor text and select Update Field.
7. Save the Document and repeat the process to place additional anchor texts.
Proceed to Step 2: Upload.
Upload your Custom Letter/Report
Once you have finished a Custom Letter, you can upload it into Simple Fund 360.
Select Custom Reports and then select Add Custom Report.
Drag & drop the file onto the screen, or click Browse and select the custom report.
- Once uploaded, you can rename the custom report and choose to upload additional reports:
Click confirm once you have completed processing the reports. These will now appear on the reports screen under Custom Reports.
Note - Format of Uploaded Documents:
If the document uploaded is a PDF, only a PDF can be generated.
If a Word document is uploaded, the report can be generated in both a PDF and Word format.
Set Up Custom Reports for Digital Signing:
- Locate the report in the Reports screen and click Add To Pack:
- Select settings:
- A popup will display all fields you have added for digital signing in the custom report.
Enter a name to search the contacts list and select the relevant signatory for digital signing:In the ‘Digitalsignature1’ contact box put the name of the contact that you required signing in the place where you saved ‘Digitalsignature1’ anchor text. In this example it's Emily Baker.
In the ‘Digitalsignature2’ contact box put in the name that you required a signature completed for the anchor text ‘Digitalsignaure2’ anchor text placed. In this example it's Jasmine Brown.
Note: Any email attached to contacts will prefill when the contact is selected.
- Click save. The custom report is now prepared for digital signing. Select Digital Signing to continue the process:
This will bring you to the digital signing screen. For further instructions, please see the instructions in the following article: Digital Signing.
Additional Information
1) When a signature is required on a dotted line, have the anchor text placed just above the line where the line is still visible and the left corner of the anchor texts have aligned.
2) Contact signing place will be determined by the anchor text placed in the document where the signature is required by the contact.
James Anderson and Jason Banker contacts need to sign a 3rd party document , where James Anderson signature is required in multiple places.
As per above you need to place the same anchor text on the fields where James Anderson needs to sign. In this case, you can use ‘Digitalsignature1’ anchor text on both places where the signatures are required.
Q: No settings option appears for the PDF/Word custom document uploaded / Settings option appears for the custom word document, but the signatory(ies) toggle is greyed out and not possible to toggle on.
- This happens when the uploaded PDF/Word document has no anchor text and are not enabled for digital signing.
- Please review the following instructions in the relevant article to ensure the anchor text is input correctly: Word Documents / PDF Documents
Q: I have uploaded a custom PDF/Word document but I no longer need to get it digitally signed. How can I remove the digital signing option from the custom document?
- Select the custom document >> Settings >> toggle off signatories >> save.