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How do I change the name of a security?
Note: If you are looking to change the security code of an investment, including ASX code changes, refer to Investment Code Change for steps.
The name of a security can be changed by completing the following:
From the Main Toolbar, go to Investments. |
Select Investment security list from the list. |
- From the Securities Screen, search for the security by code or name:
- Once you have located the security, under the Actions column, select Edit. Please note Security Name can be changed only when it is manually created (i.e. not system created).
- Change the name of the security and select Save.
- The Security Code can only be edited/changed when the security is being added. If you need a different code for a security you will need to add a new security and complete an Investment Code Change. Refer to the Securities help for steps on creating a security.