Analytical Insights takes Simple Fund 360 to the next level by providing you with the ability to search among all the entities globally as well as in a particular entity, and query your Simple Fund 360 database real-time.
The Analytical Insights feature provides you with pre-set filters and labels to make it easier and faster to search. Information is readily available on an entity, account, and transaction level, meeting all your needs.
Getting real-time information within a few keyboard strokes will result in hours of productivity saved producing reports and finding the right information in a timely manner.
Screen Access
Select Analytical Insights at the top of the screen.
This tab only displays when an entity has been selected.
Under the Account View Tab, users can view transactions recorded under a specific account for an entity during a period.
Transaction DateUse the Transaction Date to filter through the transactions for a particular period. It will default to the current financial period.
To view transactions, use the search bar to search for an Account Code or Account Name. Alternatively, click on the account line.
Different account types are marked in different colors.
To reveal a sub account, click on the control Account. To further view the particular transactions under a sub account, click on that sub account. The transaction date, description, and amount will be listed, including other relevant details.
Select the link under the Description column and the system will lead users to the Transaction List screen to view that particular transaction, where users can update the transaction if needed.
To export the transactions recorded under a sub account into a spreadsheet, select Download Excel.
Under the Entity Tab, users will have an overview of all the funds that they have access to.
Use the search bar to search through Simple Fund 360 globally based on the following:
- Fund Name
- Fund Code
- Fund ABN
- Fund Label
- Fund Current Financial Year
- Member Name, Email, Mobile
- Contact Names (e.g. auditor, accountant)
Simple Fund 360 will display search results based on the search term(s) you have entered. Click the arrow icon (More Information) to expand the search result.
The following sets of filters are also available for you to use (left-hand menu):
- Current Financial Year
- Trustee Type
- Entities with Unmatched Transactions
- Trust Deed Last Modified Date
- Member Life Insurance Status (refer to SMSF Insurance provided by AIA/AGI through BGL)
- Concessional Contribution Cap as at FY selected
- Non-concessional Contribution Cap as at FY selected
- Pension Funds
- Pension Funds Status (minimum met)
- TBAR Event Lodgement Status
- Pension Account Types
- Total Pension Balance as of today
- Total Super Balance as of last Financial Year
- Last Create Entries Time
- Entity Labels
- Last Transaction Modified Time
- Lodgement Status
- Member Age as of Today
Selecting any one of the above checkboxes will filter the results based on your selection.
Below further demonstrate how users can use some of the filters.
Concessional Contribution (CC) and Non-Concessional Contribution (NCC) Caps
You can view and track the CC and NCC amounts for all your members and across all the funds from a single screen. It also displays if the bring-forward rule has been triggered.
A set of filters will display for you to use based on the circumstances of your members. Select from the drop-down to apply a different Financial Year.
Select one or more of the checkboxes to display only fund(s) meeting the chosen criteria.
Pension $1.6 Million Cap
Use the Pension Current Balance search function to filter which pensions balances are:
- Under $1M
- From $1M to $1.5M
- Over $1.6M
Select the checkbox to the left of the filter to view the resulting funds.
Please note that you will need to consider super balances outside of this SMSF (e.g. Industry Fund balance), which are not included in this filter.
Pension Payments/Drawdowns
The Analytical Insights screen now allows you to search pension payment (drawdown) amounts for a selected financial year. The following search options are available:
Filter | Explanation |
Minimum Met | Combined minimum pension drawdown for all pension accounts within the fund has been met. |
Minimum Not Met | Combined minimum pension drawdown for all pension accounts within the fund has not been met. |
Above Max | The maximum pension drawdown for relevant pension accounts within the fund has been exceeded. |
After you have selected the relevant filter above, you can search and select the fund for more information:
This will provide a pension account-specific breakdown of the pension drawdowns for the year. Each member will be listed and their respective accounts will appear below.
Certain filters may not display if there are no entities meeting the particular criteria.
Export as CSV
Select Download Excel to generate a file from the following export options:
Export | Explanation |
Complete | All of the below. |
Entity |
The following information will be downloaded for all funds:
Contribution |
The following information will be downloaded for all accumulation members of all funds:
Pension |
Member |
The Transaction tab allows you to filter transactions based on the account type and the number of transactions will show under the Entries column.
As you drill down through the accounts and transactions, the Transaction count will update.
Similarly, users can use Transaction Date to filter transactions for a specific period.
On the left-hand side, you have a breakdown of the accounts and transactions; On the right-hand side, you have a list of your entities with the balances on and before Today's date and another column showing balances on and before a year from Today's date.
Account Classification
This section allows you to have a quick snapshot of the balance and number of entries for each account type.
To drill down the accounts, you can tick the checkbox next to that account.
To get the number of transactions and balances for a specific account, select the account by ticking the box next to it.
Transaction Information
You can drill down the balances using Transaction Status, Transaction Create Source, and Transaction Edited By.
For example, selecting Auto Matched will display the number of transactions that have been auto-matched by Simple Fund 360 and the corresponding funds on the right-hand side.
You can further filter the list by ticking another option on the left-hand side panel. For instance, selecting BGL Bank Data, will display the number of transactions from the BGL Bank Data service that have been automated by Simple Fund 360 and the corresponding funds on the right.
You can view the transactions on the right by clicking on the View entries.
Export as CSV
To export the query displayed under the Transaction tab, click Download Excel then select either of Balance Sheet or All Funds.
- Balance Sheet: Exports a CSV file that will aggregate all the funds in your Simple Fund 360 database into a single balance sheet. If applicable, the accounts displayed will correspond to the accounts selected in the Account Classification tab.
- All Funds: Exports a CSV file that will list the balances for each fund in your Simple Fund 360 database. The balances shown for each fund will correspond to the accounts selected in the Account Classification tab.
Upcoming Developments
This is the first phase of this project with more search and query capabilities to come. The following information will be available in the near future for you to search real-time through Analytical Insights:
- Corporate Actions