How do I cancel a previously lodged TBAR event?
Cancelling events previously lodged to the ATO can be completed in the following ways:
- On an event by event basis; and/or
- In bulk (more than one event at a time)
If you wish to reopen a period with lodged TBAR events, please refer to Unable to re-open period for fund with previously lodged TBAR events.
These instructions will demonstrate how to cancel a lodged TBAR file for a pension commencement. In this example, it will be assumed that the pension commencement had the wrong balance so the event will need to be cancelled.
Finding the lodged TBAR file
First, the lodged TBAR file created in Simple Fund 360 will need to be found.
This TBAR file contains the event(s) that will be cancelled.
To find the lodged TBAR file, access the TBAR Management screen from Connect.
From the Main Toolbar, hover your mouse over Connect. | |
Select TBAR Management from the list. |
Click the Lodged tab to begin looking for the lodged TBAR file.
Locate the lodged TBAR file that contains the event to cancel.
The long filename "005234SDT8096060" is the TBAR file that has been lodged.
Creating the cancellation TBAR event
In this example, a pension commencement for John Jones in BGL Training Fund will be cancelled as the pension was commenced with an incorrect balance.
To cancel the event, tick the checkbox next to the lodged event:
After ticking the check box next to the event, click the Mark as Cancelled button.
This will move the TBAR event to the Outstanding tab.
Next to the event, there is an orange arrow.
Clicking on this will show two events:
The original event (white row) and the cancellation event (orange row)
Tick the check box next to the orange cancellation event.
Click the Prepare TBAR button to create the TBAR file to be lodged.
The TBAR file will be validated and downloaded.
Lodging the cancellation TBAR file
The cancellation TBAR file is now in the Prepared tab.
The cancellation TBAR file will need to be lodged outside of Simple Fund 360. Please see TBAR Management for instructions on how to lodge a TBAR file.
After lodging the cancellation TBAR file outside of Simple Fund 360, tick the cancellation TBAR file and click Mark as Lodged.
Removing the original event
The original event is now still in the Outstanding tab.
To remove this event, the original transaction that created the event will need to be deleted.
In this example, the pension commencement transaction can be deleted from the Transaction List.
Note: For other types of TBAR events, users may not be able to find corresponding journals from the transaction list. If that is the case, remove the record from the Transfer Balance Dashboard instead.
After this transaction is deleted, the event will no longer appear in the Outstanding tab.
How do I cancel TBAR events that cannot be selected in the TBAR Management screen?
Scenarios exist where a TBAR event doesn't appear on the TBAR Management screen, including:
- When funds have been migrated from Simple Fund Desktop
- If a TBAR event has been deleted
Unfortunately in any of the above situations, you will need to complete a manual submission of the canceled events to the ATO.
After completing this, if the events still remain in SF360 and you require them to be showing as cancelled, please Log a Support Call and our team will assist in having this completed.