With the introduction of a general Transfer Balance Cap and a member's Transfer Balance Account, reporting these to the ATO through Simple Fund 360 can be easily managed via the new TBAR Management screen. The TBAR Management screen is a global screen allowing you to include multiple events across multiple funds in a single lodgement file which is to be uploaded and lodged via the ATO Portal.
Access the TBAR Management screen from Connect.
From the Main Toolbar, hover your Cursor over Connect. | |
Select TBAR Management from the list. |
The TBAR Management screen is a global screen and will enable you to create a global TBAR file listing all events across your Simple Fund 360 database.
Select Fund View to return to the Transfer Balance Dashboard which will only show events for the fund selected.
Global TBAR File Preparation
1. Prior to preparing a TBAR file, ensure the prerequisites have been completed for each fund with an event to include in the file:
Prerequisites | Explanation | ||||||
Fund Financial Year and ABN | Fund must be in 17/18 financial year onwards. ABN must be recorded in Fund Details. Analytical Insights can be used to review fund ABNs at the firm level. | ||||||
Member TFN recorded | TFN recorded for each member. Analytical Insights can be used to review member TFNs at the firm level. | ||||||
Tax Agent attached to all funds |
Ensure a Lodging Party (Tax Agent) is attached to the fund. The contact details of the agent must include:
Transfer Balance Events | The Transfer Balance Events to be added to the file have been recorded in the fund's Transfer Balance Dashboard. |
2. From the TBAR Management screen select a Lodging Party.
3. Click the checkbox to the left of the events to include in the global TBAR file.
4. Select Prepare.
5. Simple Fund 360 will run a validation check prior to producing the global TBAR file.
6. The TBAR Electronic File will generate. Note: Select click here in the Validation Passed icon to download the file if it does not appear in your Downloads folder.
7. The Event Batch will be validated. Events will be moved to the Prepared tab.
8. For each Event Batch generation undertaken in the Outstanding tab, a separate Event Batch ID will appear for each validated group of transactions.
9. You can prepare an XLS or PDF report detailing the event transactions; re-prepare the TBAR lodgement file if required or move the Event Batch back to the Outstanding tab for each Event Batch. Note: The XLS or PDF files are not lodging files. The lodgement file is generated in step 6.
10. Proceed to the ATO Lodgement section of this help page for global TBAR file lodgement instructions.
11. Mark as Lodged
Post lodgement via the ATO Portal, select the check box to the left of the Event Batch ID under the Prepared tab and select Mark as Lodged. This will move the Event Batch to the Lodged column.
Note: Since the file lodgement is required to be completed via the ATO Portal this step cannot be updated automatically in Simple Fund 360.
Lodgement of the global TBAR File
You can lodge the TBAR File generated by Simple Fund 360 through both the:
- Tax Agent Portal
- Business Portal
For more instructions, please view the Instructions section.
Trustee and other forms of TBAR lodgement: ATO: Reporting methods and lodgment
TBAR Lodgement Instructions
Set Up
- Setting up your Tax Agent Portal to lodge TBAR files
- Setting up your Business Portal to lodge TBAR files
Lodgement options:
- Tax Agent Portal - File Transfer (Instructions below)
- Business Portal - File Transfer
To lodge a TBAR File through the Tax Agent Portal:
- Save the previously generated file on your computer or network
- Log in to the ATO Tax Agent Portal
- Navigate to Reports and forms and select File transfer:
select the Lodge button to indicate that you wish to lodge the file:
- Attach the TBAR file created in SF360, and tick the Declaration before Submitting the file for lodgment
Alternatively, you may check the Test to indicate that you wish to test the lodgement of the file without lodging it.
Once the TBAR file is successfully lodged, note the ATO receipt number and mark the file as lodged in Simple Fund 360.
References: ATO - File Transfer
General Screen Filters
Events generated from a fund's Transfer Balance Dashboard will appear under the outstanding screen.
Tab Filters | Explanation |
Mark as Lodged |
Prepare TBAR |
TBAR events that have been validated in the Outstanding tab will appear under the Prepared section.
TBAR events that have been Marked as Lodged previously, but then Marked as Cancelled under the Lodged Tab will appear under the Prepared section.
Tab Filters | Explanation |
TBAR events Marked as Lodged will appear in this section.
Tab Filters | Explanation |
Filter | Explanation |
Search |
Intermediary |
Due Date Filter |
Financial Year |
Lodgement Status Report |
Mark as Lodged |
Prepare TBAR |
Mark as Cancelled |
Update an event that was previously cancelled. |
TBAR Cap Summary CSV |
Download TBAR Cap Summary CSV across your entire firm to evaluate how your clientele will be affected by the indexation of the General Transfer Balance Cap. |