The Workflow Jobs view will show all outstanding Jobs by default and the functionality to create a new Job. This view allows users to easily filter for tasks or jobs assigned to themselves or other team members.
Create Job
Click from the top toolbar.
A choice will be given to either attach this new job to an existing entity or create a job without entity.
Creating a job without an entity will only be viewable when the toggle 'Entity View/Global View' is switched to 'Global View'.
3. Enter a name for the job and click
4. After clicking the save icon, the Job view will now show allowing the user to customise all relevant fields.
Users are able to customise the job by:
- Selecting the Assignee
- Selecting the Due Date for the job
- Selecting if this job Repeats and the current period of the job.
- Adding a job description
- Creating the Tasks that make up the job.
The comments section allows users to post notes related to each task.
A complete log of the comments can be exported by clicking
The Documents section allows external documents to be uploaded and attached to each job.
Documents uploaded will also be saved into the Documents screen.
Bulk Update Jobs
You can choose multiple jobs for batch updates or removal.
From the workflow jobs screen, a job to select.
Once selected, the Edit option will allow you to update the job name, status, due date, and assignee.
Selecting will display all of the notifications received.
Notifications will appear when:
- A Job has been assigned
- A Job has been unassigned
- A Task has been assigned
- Jobs that they are a part of have changed status
- If the default assignee has been changed for an entity
What's due soon
Selecting will filter all jobs to highlight the jobs whose due dates are near and those that are past their due date.
Tasks for me
Selecting Tasks for me (add image) will show either task that are 'Ready to start' or 'All tasks'. (add screenshot)
Jobs for me
Selecting Jobs for me (add image) will create a quick filter showing Jobs assigned to the current user.
Assigned user
Selecting Assigned user (add image) will provide the ability to search for any user, with the search returning a view of all Entities that have incomplete jobs for that user.
Selecting allows you to filter jobs by Financial Year, Job Status, Due in.., Labels, Job Template. Users can toggle to show 'Future Jobs'.
Please Note
As a default setting, only incomplete jobs will be displayed on the Job List. However, users have the option to modify this display by utilizing the Filter tab. By adjusting the settings within the Filter tab, users can include Future and Completed Jobs in the Job List.
Export CSV
Selecting Export CSV provides users the ability to save all of the Jobs displayed either as an Excel or as a CSV file.
Screen Options
Status | The list of all ongoing jobs can be filtered by the Status of the job. |
Entity | The list shown can be filtered by the alphabetical order of the selected entities |
Name | The of the Job will be displayed here |
Assignees | Users that are assigned to the job will be displayed in this section |
Due Date | The list of ongoing Jobs can be filtered by the Due Date of the job. |
Last Task Completed | The Last Task completed of a job will be displayed in this section when a task for this job has been completed. |
Progress | A progress bar is displayed to visualize the progress of the Job. |
Sequential Tasks
If Tasks within a Job should be completed in order, turn on the toggle "Sequential Tasks".
Rolling a recurring job over to its next period
Once a recurring job has been completed, its status will remain as completed unless manually changed. To create the same job again for the next period:
- Go to the Filter (in the Workflow Jobs screen) and change the Job Status to Completed
- Select the recurring job that needs to be started for the new period
Click the 'Create Next Recurring Job' button
This will make the job appear again as not started.
Note: Multiple Label Filters
Multiple label filters can be selected when filtering the Workflow Jobs page. Additionally, click ALL or ANY to swap with how your jobs are filtered:
- ALL = Only show jobs that have all the selected labels applied.
- ANY = Show jobs that have any of the selected labels applied.