Authority Form Upload |
Digital Signature Accepted? |
Term Deposits |
Loan Accounts |
Historical Data |
Authority Process Timeframe
The turnaround time for banks can be up to 10-15 business days. Please note that we have the processes in place to automatically follow-up with banks on any authority forms which have been outstanding for approval for longer than 10 business days.
Navigate to the Feed Management screen within Simple Fund 360.
From the Feed Management screen, locate the bank account you would like to set up a bank feed for and enter the feed setup screen - You will need to ensure that BGL Bank Data Service is selected as the Feed Provider.
Within the feed setup screen, click the ‘Print Form’ button to generate an authority form for the account. Authority forms can also be generated in bulk from the Feed Management screen as shown in the short video below.
- The account details and signatories’ names will already be pre-filled.
- The account details and signatories’ names will already be pre-filled.
The authority form will need to be passed onto the relevant signatories on the account(s) for signing.
- A signing guide is available here to ensure that the authority forms are correctly signed.
All completed forms should be returned to the accountant to upload directly onto Simple Fund 360. Alternatively, you can email the PDF(s) to for processing.
Authority Form Example: click this image to view it in a larger window (opens image in a new tab).
Accounts Supported:
BSBs Supported (640000 and 640001).
Accounts Not Supported:
Term Deposit accounts.
Loan accounts.
Historical Data is not available at this time:
Any bank transactions which occurred prior to the inception of the feed will need to be manually imported by either:
Uploading a PDF bank statement to our SmartDocs reader within the Smart Matching screen.
Importing a Bank CSV file through the Feed Management screen.