Below is a summary of the Digital Signing Providers that are currently available under BGL.
Select one of the providers for instructions on how to integrate. Whilst the integration is free, users are required to have a subscription with one of the digital signing providers. Please refer to the provider's website for more information on pricing.
FuseSign | DocuSign |
Adobe Sign |
What licence do I need? | FuseSign licence (Business Lite, or higher) |
DocuSign licence (Advance Solutions) with embedded signing enabled |
Acrobat Sign Solutions |
Supports multiple signatories? | YES | YES | YES |
Free BGL SMS authentication (2FA) |
Supports Order of Signing? |
Download partially signed documents? | NO | YES | YES |
Are placeholders automatically created? | YES | YES | YES |
More Information | FuseSign website | DocuSign website | Adobe Sign website |
Click the links for more information on how digital signing works in Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360.