FuseSign is an affordable, intuitive and easy to use Digital Signature tool.
FuseSigns integration into Simple Fund 360 empowers you to sign, send and manage your compliance documents anytime, anywhere, on any device.
Send multiple documents to multiple recipients and have them signed and returned to you within minutes instead of days for the price of a stamp. It's legally binding and can be used for a wide range of signature requirements.
Special BGL Offer
FuseSign is giving out a special offer just for BGL clients! Head on over to https://www.fusesign.com/bgl/ now to take advantage of this opportunity. It is one that you don't want to miss!
This article is a guide as to how to set up the integration for Digital Signing from within Simple Fund 360.
For instructions on how to Digitally sign documents, please check out Digital Signing in Simple Fund 360.
To set up the digital signing integration from within Simple Fund 360, please take the following steps.
1. Hover over the app switcher icon and select Integrations
2. You will be directed to our BGL API Home screen. At the top of the screen select Digital Signing.
4. Under 'Digital Signing' click the gear icon.
5. From within the Digital Signing tab, select Connect to FuseSign.
6. You will be redirected to the FuseSign website. Input your FuseSign account email and password.
7. If this is the first time you turn on the FuseSign, you will see the following screen after clicking Login. Please select the preferred Target Business e.g. “BGL Corp” and click “Authorize for BGL Corp” to integrate with BGL.
8. Once your details have been confirmed, you will be taken back to the integrations screen. The FuseSign integration will be marked as Active.

How to digitally sign documents?
See Digital Signing in Simple Fund 360
Once the documents have been signed
After the document has been signed completely, both the sender (the email address that did the authentication) and the recipient will receive a completed signing document via email.
Simple Fund 360 User
Note: Using Identical Email Addresses for Signatories
While you can use the same email in the same document pack for multiple different signatories, doing so will require FuseSign SMS Authentication to be completed when signing these documents.
For more information, see FuseSign - FAQ.
You can turn on the FuseSign SMS Authentication from the Integration setting page.
Frequently Asked Questions
Once signed, should the signing and sending parties receive emailed signed copies of the forms/bundle? FuseSign will send the signed document to both signing and sending parties upon completion of the document (i.e All parties have signed)
Order of Signing is available. See: https://sf360.zendesk.com/hc/en-au/articles/360055734032
If you would like the Members Statement signed ensure you enable the option ‘Show signing page’ under the report settings. if you do not require the Members Statement to be signed you can ignore it.
If the auditor has access to Simple Fund 360 they will be able to access the documents via the Documents screen or Workpapers screen.
We are currently investigating a change to this so that multiple providers can be supported.
FuseSign employs a credit system where each plan has a number of signing credits based on the plan's size. In a majority of cases, the number of credits consumed is equal to the number of unique signatures in a document pack (as per Fusesign - Subscription, Credits, and Billing - Credit System)
Ultimately situations can differ based on plan, so we recommend contacting FuseSign directly to determine specifically what your plan allows.
You must be on a Business Lite plan or higher to use the integration.
As long as you are on a Business Lite plan or higher to use the integration there will be no change.
No, only document packs are charged.
If you are on a month-to-month plan, the credits do not carry forward. If you are on an Annual plan, your credits are carried forward and you receive a discount.