cloudoffis works directly with Simple Fund 360 via BGL's API to provide Auditors with easy and seamless integration.
What is integrated?
Data for the fund will be automatically imported into cloudoffis
- Fund Details
- Member Details
- Trustee Details
Data for the following reports will be automatically imported into cloudoffis
- Contribution Breakdown Report
- Trial Balance
- General Ledger
- Statement of Financial Position
- Operating Statement
- Investment Summary
- Investment Movement Report
- Pension Summary Report
- Contribution Breakdown Report
List of Reports Required to be uploaded manually:
Lead Schedule document | BGL 360 Report |
Income Comparison | Investment Income Comparison (in excel format from BGL 360) |
Lump Sum Payment & Retirement Condition | SMSF Annual Return (in PDF format from BGL 360) |
Benefits paid to Member <60 & Pensions above 1.6m |
Members Statement Report
(in excel format from BGL 360)
Guide for Creating a Client from Simple Fund 360 "Internally"
1. Select manage Clients
Select from the Audit Menu
2. Select Import New Client
Located at the top right of the screen
3. Choose Import from BGL 360
Select from the pop-up options
4. Enter BGL 360 Credentials
Once redirected to API login page, enter the BGL 360 credentials provided by your accountant and select authorise.
Note that in order to have BGL 360 credentials, the user will need to be first invited into Simple Fund 360. It is recommended that the user role be set to 'Auditor' and the user be assigned the relevant entities. For assistance with inviting the user into Simple Fund 360, see the following article.
5. Enter MFA Code
6. Select the Fund/Funds to Import
Choose the required funds by ticking the appropriate boxes to the left of the fund name
7. Summary Page
You will then be presented with a summary page showing all of the imported funds with options to select, scroll through pages & search.
The imported funds will then appear on your manage clients page with the option to view or create an audit job.
Video Tutorial
Creating an Audit Job for BGL 360 Fund "Internally"
1.Select Manage Clients
Select from the Audit Menu
2. Choose the fund and select Create Audit Job
To locate fund you may need to expand the show entries option located in bottom left or scroll through pages. There is also a search option available.
3. Audit Job Information
4. Complete all fields as per below.
Client name: Auto populated from client details
SMSF ID: Auto populated from client details
Job Type: Select Year End or Wind Up from the drop down menu
Financial year: Select the financial year for the audit job you are performing
Account Software: - Will not appear for the 1st audit. This is an option to select a new software if your accountant has changed since the last audit, will only appear after the 1st audit.
Assigned to: 2 options;
Internal Auditor - Select if you are from the auditing firm importing audit job and then assign an auditor, Accountant and Manager.
External Auditor - Only select if you are from the accounting firm exporting audit job and then assign to the appropriate firm (Belongs To) and administrator from your firm for any queries that may be raised.
5. Select Create and Next
Click the green Create and next button in the bottom left of the screen to continue.
6. Upload Documents
Once selected you will be presented with an option to Add Files (click to browse to go to file on your hard drive or simply drag and drop files from your hard drive). Once selected or dragged you will be presented with a status bar indicating the status of completion. Upon completion, you will then be advised if any documents failed to upload.
There is an option to skip document upload if you would prefer to do this later.
7. Select Next
Click the green next button in the bottom left of the screen to continue.
8. Audit Job Status
You will then be presented with the Audit Job Status page with a summary of the job you have just created. this will confirm the Audit Job;
Fund Name
Financial Year
Who the Audit Job has been assigned to
9. Select Import Lead Schedule
Once this has been imported you will be taken to the Job Dashboard page and provided with a confirmation the lead schedule has been successfully imported.
10. Audit Job Status Bar
The Audit Job Status begins at In progress, you can manually change the status throughout the audit job and your user details will be captured with a time stamp.
Video Tutorial