Support Query
How do I match a transfer between bank accounts?
To match a Bank Transfer there is two alternatives available.
1. No Action Required
When the withdrawal and deposit were cleared on the same day (same transaction date) with the exact dollar amount. Simple Fund 360 will automatically match the transaction for you, no action will be required.
Simple Fund 360 will only attempt to match newly imported Bank Transaction to either another newly imported or an existing (unmatched) Bank Transaction.
2. Manually match from the Transaction List
When a Bank Transfer does not present as Matched you will need to manually match the transfer from the Transaction List.
Possible reasons a bank transfer will not match:
- Conflicting Matching Rules.
- withdrawal and deposit were not the exact same dollar amount.
- One of the transfers were entered manually into Simple Fund 360.
- One of the transactions were manually flagged as Unmatched after being Matched.
To match the transactions navigate to Accounting and select the Transaction List.
Locate the withdrawal and deposit and tick the checkbox beside both the transactions.
Select Match.