Upon signing into MyBGL, users will automatically be directed to the Dashboard page by default.
Alternatively, users can navigate to the App switcher from the top toolbar and switch to MyBGL.
If MyBGL does not appear in the App Switcher, the user should contact their nominated Account Owner.
To access the Dashboard screen from another screen within MyBGL, users can select the Dashboard icon on the left-hand side.
Changing account ownership
If the role is Account Owner, then a change account owner icon will be made visible.
Clicking this icon enables the user to change the current account owner.
Clicking the icon will direct users to the change account owner page.
If users wish to change account owners, then users will need to follow the steps provided:
Step 1: To enter the new account owners’ details in the fields shown below.
Step 2: To request a verification code which will be sent to the user's email address
Step 3: To let us know whether the user still needs access to the products after this change of account owner.
Lastly, to pass the Recaptcha and Submit for immediate processing.
Updating account information
Within the Dashboard page, users will see a section titled Your Company, displaying general company details, company billing address, and mailing address.
To update any of the account information, users must first have the right permission to update account information. Note: By default, only the Account Owner has the permission to update account information.
Select the Update icon at the bottom right-hand corner of the Your Company section. Users will be directed to a Company Details screen where account information can be entered accordingly. Once changes have been entered, users must select submit.
Contacting BGL
Within the Dashboard page, Users will see a section titled Your BGL Account Manager, this will be displayed when an Account Manager has been assigned to your Account. If you have any specific account enquiries please contact your account manager via the displayed email address or 1300 654 401.
Submitting feedback to BGL
On the top right-hand corner of the Dashboard page, users will see a series of icons. Selecting the second icon across will direct users to the Feedback page.
The Feedback page will contain the user's name and email address. Users will be able to select the page that their feedback relates to and type their feedback in the box below. Once feedback has been entered, users must select submit.
Organising Invoices
Within the Dashboard page, users will see a section titled Your Company Invoices. Existing Paid invoices can be filtered by selecting the filter icon to update the chart.
By clicking on the icon, users will see that invoices can be filtered by product, as well as a start and end date range. Once the filters have been set, users must select Apply to update the chart.
Changing application
On the top right-hand corner of the Dashboard page, users will see a series of icons. The fourth icon across is the BGL App switcher.
The BGL App Switcher will display the icons of each of the applications the user currently has a subscription for (provided that the user has access to it). Select the icon of the application you wish to be directed to.