International share codes and share prices have been added for to the Securities screen to streamline the year end reporting. The International Securities can be attached to the Investment in Simple Fund 360 to enable automated revaluations.
The unit price in Simple Fund 360 will be reported in AUD which is the foreign price multiplied by the RBA exchange rate. Daily pricing (from 1 August 2017) is available for securities listed on the following stock exchanges :
New York Stock Exchange
London Stock Exchange
Hong Kong Exchange
Singapore Exchange
If you have manually created a security listed on one of the above exchanges, you will need to attach the new system security to the investment in the Chart of Accounts. Click How to update a security linked to an Investment Account for further instructions.
Unitised investments will need to have a security attached for Simple Fund 360 to automatically revalue the investment.
Follow the steps below to create a new International Share.
From the Main Toolbar, go to Accounting. |
Select Chart of accounts from the list. |
1. Click and select Investment
2. Input the Investment Type. Simple Fund 360 provides the following control accounts:
- 72500 - Fixed Interest Securities (Overseas)
- 72550 - Fixed Interest Securities (Overseas) - Unitised
- 72900 - Government Securities (Overseas)
- 73300 - Interests in Partnerships (Overseas)
- 74800 - Managed Investments (Overseas)
- 75100 - Mortgage Loans (Overseas)
- 77300 - Real Estate Properties (Overseas - Residential)
- 77350 - Real Estate Properties (Overseas -Non Residential)
- 77700 - Shares in Listed Companies (Overseas)
- 77900 - Shares in Unlisted Private Companies (Overseas)
- 78300 - Units in Listed Unit Trusts (Overseas)
- 78500 - Units in Unlisted Unit Trusts (Overseas)
3. In this example, we will setup Amazon.com, Inc, use the search and select 77700 - Shares in Listed Companies (Overseas)
4. Click on Securities to search and select the Security Code AMZN.NDQ to attach to the investment.
5. Select Save.
To use the International Investment Code for an existing investment you will need to update the Chart of Accounts. Click How to update a security linked to an Investment Account for further instructions.