Contract Notes Log - We're excited to introduce a new feature: you can now export Contract Notes transactions to a CSV file. This allows users to export transactions for specific brokers easily, making analysis and reconciliation simpler.
- We’ve updated the Segregated Investment Summary Report to separate Bank Accounts and Term Deposits, providing clearer categorisation and improving report readability.
- The Investment Strategy Date from the Investment Strategy screen is now included in the Investment Strategy Comparison report, allowing for easier tracking of strategy changes and compliance over time.
- We've added a Filter to the Unrealised Capital Gains Report (Detailed), allowing users to select and run the report for a single account. This provides more flexibility and precision when analysing unrealised capital gains for specific accounts.
- We've Improved the Document Uploader Widget on the Document screen. Now, when a folder is selected, the upload widget will automatically pre-fill that folder
- We improved the Entity Dashboard by adding the Financial year information when hovering over a job.
- We’ve resolved various UI issues in Workflow jobs where the financial year and job names were displayed without proper spacing.
- Users can now view all jobs previously assigned to a removed user. The screen will display the deleted user and their associated jobs for easier tracking and reassignment. However, clicking on an assigned user who has been deleted will no longer trigger an error when filtering jobs.
- Users can now create new document tags while uploading documents. Previously, the screen only allowed selecting from existing tags.
- The Vanguard corporate action to move from Retail Funds to Wholesale Funds is now available.
- Trust Tax Return - Fixed a Capital Gains schedule rounding issue.
- Smart Reports - Fixed an issue where users without access to the documents screen were receiving an error when loading the Trial Balance view.
- Unit Valuation Report - Fixed an issue where bank/term deposits were being double counted.
- Pension Dashboard - Fixed issue where pro rata calculation for minimum pension was incorrect if member started and ceased in same year.