- Audit Management - A new screen to improve your workflow by tracking an SMSF’s audit from start to finish. It lets you update the audit status and store all the necessary documents manually, and Audit Partners and Software, which connect to BGL’s API, can do this automatically. Furthermore, once the audit is complete, you can easily update the Annual Return directly from this screen.
The SMSF Annual Return will display a warning if the Audit has not been marked as completed. This is just a warning and will not stop you from lodgment.
The following user permissions determine whether users can view or edit the Audit Management screen. - Documents - Users can view a document and select to create jobs on the Workflow screen from the Documents screen. BGL’s Generative AI will automatically create the suggested tasks for the job, aiding users in identifying overlooked information.
- Reports - The custom merge fields for displaying an ABN have been updated to display in the standard format.
- SmartDocs Email - The SmartDocs email address can now save emails against the Fund’s (or other entity's) Documents screen. BGL’s AI evaluates emails sent to the SmartDocs email address to determine if they contain critical information for administration. If they do, these emails are converted into a PDF format and stored on the Documents screen. These emails can be saved as evidence and attached to the Workpapers screen.
- User Management - Users such as Auditors and SMSF administrators who have access to multiple firms can now remove access to a firm from the User Management screen.
- Workpapers - A new table to help reconcile your 85000 Tax Payable account in Workpapers. The system automatically generates the current year's tax payable/refundable and instalment amounts. Users can add manual adjustments to be entered to reconcile to the 85000 closing balance, e.g. Prior year tax payment owing. Currently, this is only available for SMSF entities.
- Workpapers - External links for a document such as Sharepoint, OneDrive, FYI Docs, Dropbox or Google Drive URLs can be added to working papers and working paper details.
- Workpapers - Current year transactions can be viewed within the Workpapers screen. This helps to reconcile with the closing balance, which is especially beneficial for expense/income accounts. Clicking the transaction will take you directly to that entry in the Transaction Screen.
- Workpapers - The document order can now be changed for Workpaper Details. This feature was previously added for Supporting Documents but has now been added for the details section.
1. Balance Review - Multiple enchantments have been implemented designed to improve the Balance Review screen and Report loading times.
2. Broker CSV Import - Validations have been added to further consolidate security codes.
3. Chart of Accounts - Changes made to prevent the unlinking of custom control accounts from an entity if the subaccount is linked to the same entity.
4. Corporate Actions - A new warning message is displayed on the Corporate Action screen if there is a future disposal or CGT event.
5. Corporate Actions – 10 new corporate actions have been added.
ASX Code | Date |
DCN | 20 November 2023 |
PVS | 21 November 2023 |
ENA | 21 November 2023 |
IVC | 27 November 2023 |
IHL | 29 November 2023 |
SLA | 30 November 2023 |
TGA | 12 December 2023 |
HLA | 12 December 2023 |
CNW | 12 December 2023 |
EHE | 18 December 2023 |
6. BGL Entity Setup Service – The Submit button has been disabled unless documents have been uploaded to be submitted.
7. Investment Security List (Beta) – Multiple enhancements have been added to improve further usability such as a new button to display all search results on the screen, optimising the search function and adding new security price validation.
8. Pension Commutation Wizard – The wording of transactions posted by the commutation wizard has been updated to indicate whether it is a partial or full commutation.
9. Reports – An option to Combine Property Expenses to appear on the Operating Statement has been added.
10. SuperStream – Contribution and Rollover email templates have been updated.
11. Workflow - Improvements have been made to prevent the automatic updating of the assignee for completed tasks in inherited assignments.
Corporate Actions - Fixed a unit rounding issue when processing merger-type corporate actions.
- Fund Details (API) - Fixed an issue where omitted fields were incorrectly handled.
Investment Security List (Beta) - Fixed an issue where error messages were not displaying when adding a custom price on a date where a custom price already exists.
Investment Security List (Beta) - Added a new error message to prevent invalid characters from being saved.
BAS/IAS - Fixed an issue where the header on the BAS/IAS Lodgement Declaration incorrectly displayed the quarter ending 30 June for quarterly reports.
- Workflow - Fixed an issue where the task order incorrectly changed when more than 10 tasks were entered.
- Workflow - Fixed an issue where users could not delete a template that had been duplicated from a default template.
Fund Pension Policies - Fixed Non-Deductible Expense percentages when a 100% Tax Exempt Pension Policy is copied due to closing periods.