The re-request feed function enables users to import transactions obtained through the data feed to their Transaction List.
This feature will be useful in scenarios where deleted transactions need to be restored, to import historical transactions (given the financial institution provides historical data) or if transactions from the data feed appear to be missing from the entity’s file for another reason.
How to perform a re-request for a data feed.
1. The Re-request function is accessible through the Feed Management screen.
a) From the Main Toolbar, click the ‘Connect’ icon to access the Feed Management Screen.
2. To re-request a data feed, simply click the icon to the right of the feed as shown below.
3. Before initiating the re-request process, a prompt will appear that enables you to specify a date range for the requested data. This can be done by specifying a 'Do Not Import Data Before' and a 'Do Not Import Data After' date.
Note: Data prior to the last Create Entires date will not be imported.
4. Once the re-request has been actioned, the requested transactions will be imported to the Transaction List within a few minutes.
If the re-request does not work, please check the Troubleshooting Guide in the following tab for further guidance.
If the re-request function was unsuccessful, please refer to the below notes for a solution.
Checklist | Solution |
Has Create Entries been processed? |
Navigate to the Compliance screen to check if Create Entries have been processed for the period in question. Users are unable to re-request data from feeds for periods in which Create Entries has been processed. |
Does the data feed in question have a ‘Do Not Import Data Before/After’ date set? |
If the data feed itself has a ‘Do Not Import Data’ before/after date set, this will also restrict the data that can be imported through a re-request. Please ensure that the date set does not clash with the period for which you are re-requesting transactions for. |
Is the Transaction List set to the correct financial year when checking for the transactions? |
Please ensure that the Transaction List is set to the correct Financial Year. Try changing the financial year or entering custom dates to view the transactions you have just re-requested. |
Re-requested transactions still not appearing? |
Please get in touch by Logging a Support Call with our Data Services Team at BGL. |