BGL's exclusive agreement provides you with SelfWealth access for all your funds. The Simple Fund 360 / SelfWeath API integration ensures all newly added or migrated funds will be available in SelfWealth the day after they are loaded onto Simple Fund 360.
Note see SelfWealth Share Trading - Data Feed if you would like to set up a cash a broker feed with SelfWealth.
What is SelfWealth?
SelfWealth is an innovative peer to peer investment community. SelfWealth is built on the simple truth that through collective intelligence you can achieve better results. The SelfWealth 200 (the top 200 portfolios in the SelfWealth solution), listed by FTSE Russell, has consistently outperformed the ASX 200. SelfWealth uses the power of the crowd to help your client perform better. To learn more about SelfWealth, check out
SelfWealth also includes Australia's only fixed price trading solution at just $9.50 per trade, irrespective of trade size. Setting up a trading account is fully automated online with no paper forms to sign or complete.
Simple Fund 360's API functionality makes connecting to SelfWealth a breeze. Through the Connections Screen, users can activate the SelfWealth connection to allow fund data to be transferred daily to SelfWealth.
Please note: Before registering, the Administrator needs to make sure Selfwealth Icon is toggled on for the user via User Roles.
Register Through Simple Fund 360
From the Main Toolbar, go to Connect. Select Connections. - From the Connections tab, locate SelfWealth as the provider and select Setup.
- The following screen will display.
- Select Register and you will be directed to the SelfWealth website to complete the registration process.
- Once you have reviewed the terms and conditions, tick I Agree and select Register.
- Select Authorise to provide access to SelfWealth
- You will receive a confirmation email once all your funds' data are on SelfWealth.
Please note that it can take 15-20 minutes for the status to update and the SelfWealth details to appear under Connect | Connections in Simple Fund 360. You will then be able to login to SelfWealth to check your fund's performance.
Sign into SelfWealth
You can log in to SelfWealth using the following options:
- By clicking on the Login to SelfWealth icon under the Connections tab.
By clicking on the SelfWealth icon in the Fund | Fund Dashboard screen.
If the SelfWealth icon is missing, you need to contact your Administrator to provide you access via User Roles.
SelfWealth Help
Refer to the SelfWealth help resources for more information.
Disabling SelfWealth
If you would like to disable your connection to SelfWealth, from the Connect |Connections screen, select Disable. This will end the connection between Simple Fund 360 and SelfWealth.
See Also: