Feed Type |
Cash Movements (Bank Transactions |
Investment Movements (Buys & Sells) | Income Movements (Dividends & Distributions) | Historical Data |
Automated |
BGL has integrated with SelfWealth to an automated, daily feed which imports cash transactions and balances for the ANZ Cash Management account.
SelfWealth is an innovative peer-to-peer investment community. SelfWealth is built on the simple truth that through collective intelligence you can achieve better results. The SelfWealth 200 (the top 200 portfolios in the SelfWealth solution), listed by FTSE Russell, has consistently outperformed the ASX 200. SelfWealth uses the power of the crowd to help your client perform better. To learn more about SelfWealth, check out their website www.selfwealth.com.au.
SelfWealth also includes Australia's only fixed price trading solution at just $9.50 per trade, irrespective of trade size. Setting up a trading account is fully automated online with no paper forms to sign or complete.
Please Note
Investment movements (Buys & Sells) can be imported from the Selfwealth trading account using the BGL Contract Note Service. The Contract Note Service requires a subscription to the BGL Share Data Pack.
To authorise a data feed from Selfwealth to BGL, users will need to first ensure that their BGL settings are enabled on the Selfwealth platform.
After logging into Selfwealth, from your user profile icon, select Settings.
Within the Feed Management screen, click the blue ( + ) Setup button.
Entity - Ensure that the correct entity has been selected.
Feed Provider - Select ‘SelfWealth’.
Bank Account - Select the ANZ Cash Management account that you would like transactions and balances to be posted to.
Do not import data before - Users can restrict the data that is imported by the feed by inputting a date. Clicking on the three dots will allow you to also enter a Do Not Import Data After date. If data has already been manually entered, this step will be necessary to prevent any duplication with manual work if re-requesting the feed.
Save - Click this button to ensure that any changes made are saved.
No, historical transactions and balances are not provided by Selfwealth.
Please import this data by uploading a PDF bank statement to BGL SmartDocs in the Smart Matching screen, or by uploading a Bank CSV File.
Investment movements (buys and sells) can be recorded in Simple Fund 360 through the BGL Contract Notes Service. This service will automatically upload buy and sell transactions (including PDFs of contract/confirmation notes) to SF360 from all major Australian Brokers. A comprehensive list of all supported brokers is available here.
Alternatively, purchases and disposals can be recorded by importing a Broker CSV File.
The system can automatically match the following types of transactions provided that the debits and credits reconcile between the transactions and that the transactions are recorded within a similar date range.
Investment movements (Buys and Sells) and the corresponding Bank movement(s).
Income movements (Dividends and Distributions) and the corresponding Bank movement(s).
Simple Fund/Invest 360 will be able to automatically code dividend transactions using it's inbuilt ASX data feed provided that the cash movement has been recorded.
Any transactions which have not been automatically matched or coded by the system will need to be actioned manually.